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Chapter Sixteen:

"Al--Alex! We ha--have to go!" Kya called down the hall.

"I'm coming!" Alex said, pulling up a intricately laced black boot.

Kya bounced excitedly, ready to go back to school. "Zip up, Kya," Jody advised, motioning to her unzipped coat. Kya quickly complied and Jody nodded. She opened the door, keys in her hands, as she stepped out into the cold. The snow crunched under her foot --- it was still melting, and Kya loved to sit by the window and watch.

Jody made her way to the car, and Kya slipped in the back. She fumbled with the seatbelt for a few seconds, but managed to to it. She clapped her mittens together, urging Alex on, who had been taking her time to not slip on ice. "Hu--H--Hurry! We--We are go--going to b--be late!"

Alex tried not to smile as she finally got to the car, her arms were crossed and she stared out the window, not saying anything.

Kya watched her sister as they pulled out of the driveway. Jody turned on the radio to listen to local news. "A--Alex?" Kya said, and the girl turned to her, to show she was listening. "Ar--Are you o--okay?"

"Yeah, don't worry," Alex assured. "I'm just a bit nervous."

"Wh--Why?" Kya asked. "Ms--Ms. Ma--Mandy is ni--nice! She gi--gives pre--presents to th--the good ki--kids!"

"Alex won't be in fourth grade, Kya. She's going to ninth grade," Jody explained and Kya frowned.

"Yo--You do n--not get pr--p--presents?"

"Nope," Alex said, a bit moodily. "I get emos and puberty and popular mean kids instead."

Kya frowned, pressing her lips together, "Ma--Maybe the em--emos and p--puberty will be n--nice?" Alex smirked and shook her head.

"Yeah, let's hope," Alex said with a huff, but something told Kya that it wasn't going to be nice at all.


They arrived at the school later than usual, but still managed to get there in time for the bell to ring. Alex's school had been only across the street from where Kya's was, so Jody tasked her with coming to Kya's school after she finished to pick her up. Alex didn't mind and nodded. Kya hugged Jody and Alex goodbye and ran to the school doors.

Her teacher, Ms. Mandy, greeted Kya back warmly as she entered the room again. A few students gave her odd looks, confused as to why she had been gone for so long, but nobody asked any questions yet.

She sat down at her desk, which still had her nametag taped to it --- Kya Winchester. Ms. Mandy began to teach again, they were going over multiplying decimals.

A pencil poked Kya's side and she jumped, turning to who had poked her. It was her tablemate, Alexandra. Kya remembered that she was the daughter of the man who thought she wad an angel a few months ago.

"Where have you been?" She whispered to her. Kya didn't reply, she couldn't tell the girl she was running from mutated wolves, or had been kidnapped and held hostage for weeks. "Tell me!"

"N--No," Kya said, moving away as the girl poked her again.

"Tell me! Tell me!"

"I sa--said, n--no," Kya frowned, annoyed.

"Why can't you tell her?" A not named Kyle across from them asked.

"Be--Because," Kya explained, but she didn't really explain anything.

"You three," Ms. Mandy said, and the three of them turned to her. She didn't look happy. "What is the rule about talking?"

"No talking when Ms. Mandy is talking," Alexandra and Kyle repeated. Kya did too, but she had been a few seconds off.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2018 ⏰

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