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Chapter Ten:

Kya sat in bed silently, listening to the sounds of the forest that chirped at night. She desperately missed the Bunker and being with Sam and Dean. She knew that this was for the best, but... She wished that she could visit them again, just once.

Kya sighed, but continued to read, silently. Jody had a lot of books that Kya had never heard of, like Alice in Wonderland! It reminded her of the Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz, with both protagonists being quite peculiar. Kya was also able to learn new things called 'Math' and 'Science' from school! It interested her, all the possible things she could read about and hear about and learn about. It was like a endless waterfall of knowledge and she was read to soak as much up as possible.

The door opened and Kya jumped, gasping, she stared, calming down as she noticed it was just Jody. "Hey kiddo, lights out," she told her.

"Ri–Right, s–sorry!" Kya nodded as Jody flicked off the light switch.

Jody smiled at Kya as she sank under the blankets. "Don't sweat it. Goodnight, Kya."

"Go–Goodnight, Ms–Ms. Jody," Kya replied meekly, watching slowly as the woman closed the door plunging her into darkness. Kya waited until she couldn't hear her footsteps anymore before jumping out of bed, and running over to the door, swinging it back open. The light from the hall flooded in and Kya breathe a sigh of relief. She hated the dark, it reminded her too much of her experience with the School.

The thought of the very place made Kya shudder, she didn't like thinking about it. When she did, it dug up scary memories that tended to keep her awake at night, shivering under the blankets, sobbing.

Kya hated the dark. Darkness was scary, darkness gave them a better chance at hurting her.

Kya slipped under her covers, and squeezed her eyes shut. She could remember all the times she was forced to use he power, or be subjected to punishment. Drowned in ice cold water, beaten until she couldn't move, whipped, hallucinating beyond her senses, all so that she could try to muster up the strength to make her invisible. It was terror — it was torture, but... It worked.

Kya had to stop herself before her thoughts strayed too far. She squeezed her eyes, just sleep! She chided herself. Kya should sleep — she'd be much more equipped with strength tomorrow, and it was a school day.

She took a deep breathe and slowly drifted off to sleep.


Kya couldn't breathe. She could feel Grey's clawed hands crushing her windpipe. She clawed at his arms, surely drawing blood, but not enough to stop him. "Grey," she choked the words. Grey didn't react, he didn't flinch, "Please." She coughed, something causing blood to well up in her throat. She spat out a mouthful of blood, black spots dancing across her vision.

Someone came into the pit and shot Grey. It was a tranquilizer dart, enough to make his hold loosen. Kya pried his fingers off her neck and fell to the ground on her hands and knees. She couldn't breathe, she realized. He crushed something in her throat. She crawled away, her heart pounding in her chest.

Someone came up behind her, rushing her into a medical room. She knew what was going to happen all to quickly. Kya screamed, moving to get away but their grip was strong. She was slammed into the table an quickly strapped into place. Kya sobbed as a other adults quickly began to make their way around the table.

Kya felt something cut into her throat and cried out in pain. They jabbed something into her throat, and she jerked, but no damage was done. At the movement and noise, a man strapped her mouth shut. She could feel oxygen slowly making its way back into her body, but pain seared in her throat.

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