Chapter 42

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(Lucys POV) ~~~~~DREAMLAND~~~~~

I can't see anything. I can't feel anything. Am I dead?

"Wake up Lucy" Nastus voice said

"Is there anything we can do?" Levy-chans voice asked someone

"I'm afraid that's it. Her temperature is dropping very fast. She needs to keep warm by any means possible" Masters voice said

So... I'm dying? Am I going to die? But what about Nastu... and the rest of them? I can't die just yet. I need to wake up. But how?

"Lucy my dear" Melodys voice said in the darkness

"Melody, where are you?" I asked with my voice almost gone

"I have one simple question my dear, do you wish to live your life by that fire dragons side?" She asked through the darkness

I thought of all the things he's done for me. He's saved me from Phantom, too many monsters, Minevera at the GMG, Grimore Heart and countless more

But then the bad memories returned. Him dating Lisanna, calling me weak and kicking me out of the team, causing me to have a heart attack and leave Fairy Tail itself

"Yes... yes I do" I said with a slight smile

"You shall awaken soon them. Just keep calm, alright?" She asked with sincerity in her voice. I nodded and the voices dissappeared

(Natsu POV) It was morning now. Day 4 without my Lucy. She was shuffling a lot in her sleep. I thought she was waking up, but she didn't. Is that truly what is going to save her? She wouldn't want to be stuck with me forever

"Nastu, I had just gotten word from Melody. Lucy says she's wants to stay by your side also" Igneels voice said in my head

"What?! She can talk to Lucy?!" I replied hoping he would talk back

"Yes, she can. Now hurry up before she dies" Igneel said and I couldn't hear him anymore

No one was at the guild yet. The sun was just starting to rise. I guess I should do it...

I picked up Lucys cold body and held her close to me. I layed my head on her shoulder and slowly moved her hair away

I'm sorry Lucy

I bit her neck and her body started to warm up. I let go and her color was fully back, but now a flame mark on her neck.

Her eyes slowly opened. "N..Nastu" She said relived

"Lucy!" I shouted hugging her. She hugged back.

You didn't lie after all, Igneel

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