Chapter 39

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(Lucy POV)

"Ice Make- LANCE"


"Requip- Purgatory Armor"


"Ice Make- TIGER"


They all simotaniously fought it. I sighed. It takes a lot more power than that.

We flew closer and saw him. About 10 feet tall, whole body made of lava and has hardend lava as his form with horns and burned up wings. (the Hades from the Lightning Thief movie)

I landed the two idiots and Sara did the same with Blue Pegasus

"Ready?" Sara asked me. I nodded

"GRANPA!" I shouted happily and flew over to him. I landed on his shoulder and Sara landed on the other

"My two grandchildren. How have you been?" He asked us, completely ignoring the people launching attacks on him

"Gramps, why are you attacking Fiore? They didn't do anything to you?" Sara asked him with a sweet voice

"Everything burns" He said and lit on fire with his purple flames. Sara flew up just in time but they don't affect me

"I'm sorry Grandfather. I'm afraid this will be your last life" I said and flew into the air

"ALL DRAGON SLAYERS. FRONT AND CENTER!" I commanded and Laxus, Wendy, Gajeel, Nastu, Sting and Rouge walked up. Yes, Laxus, Wendy and Gajeel came as backup with Master.

"Combined our roars and he should be taken down" Sara said as we landed on the ground

"8 Dragon Roars all at once?!" Laxus exclaimed

"Yes, now line up" I said and they lined up

"NOW!" I shouted









"ROAR" We a casted a roar and a combination of our 8 roars blasted towards Satan. It hit him and he fell to his knees. He's dead.

"Incredible" I heard the Masters say from one of the trees they we're hiding in. They can't fool me

"Erza, do you mind stabbing him a few times in the chest and head just to be sure he's dead?" I asked the red haired mage who was still stunned

"Okay" She said and requiped into Heavens Wheel Armor. She sent 100 swords into him. He's dead for sure

"Now that that's over with..." Sara said and jumped on his body, looking over his face. The lava that was his body is now full rock.

"Well, that's done. Now what?" Hibiki asked and we all shrugged

"Oh! That's what I had to do" I exclaimed and ran up to his body

"LUCE! WAIT!" Nastu shouted but I ignored him

I stood on his stomach and pulled my sword from the earth. I unsheathed it and the purple flames surrounded my body

"By the power of the Demon Sword, and it's flames, I hear by banish you in Hell for 8000 years, never to resurface again" I chanted and stabbed my sword in his stomach. His whole body erupted into flames, slowly dissolving into ash.

Once his whole body was gone, I had no magic power left. My sword dissappeared into the ground and I fell down on my knees.

"LUCY!" Natsu shouted and ran over to me at the speed of light. He hugged me so tight I could barley breathe. My vision started to get blurry. My hearing started to fade away. Then, everything went black.

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