Chapter 16

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(Lucy POV) We partied all night and Sara got along with everyone. That was great. At least she didn't start a fight with Lisanna. That would be bad.

I sat up and saw everyone passed out in the guild, Mira up and cleaning the cups. "Good morning Mira" I said and walked over to the bar

"Good morning Lucy. You sister is so sweet" She said with her famous smile

"Lucky for you guys that you got on her good side. Something ticks her off she goes on a rampage. Much like Natsu" I said with a small laugh. Mira laughed as well.

I helped Mira clean up a bit them people started to wake up. Levy, Erza and Wendy helped finish the cleaning and then the boys started to wake up

I walked over to Natsu, the extremely loud snoring dragon slayer and lightly kicked his sides, hoping it would wake him up.

"Oi Natsu" I said and picked up both of his arms, making him sit up. Then dropped him. Didn't even wake up.

"Maybe you should wake him up with a kiss" Gray said with a smirk while making kissy faces, throwing an arm over my shoulder

"No way" I said taking off his arm and simply picking up Natsu by the back of his shirt. I created a small tub like thing out of my magic and asked "Juvia, can you fill this with water?"

"Okay love - rival" She said and the tub filled with water

"Fire Dragons hate water right?" I said with a smirk and dropped Natsu in the water. In a few seconds, the water started to boil and Natsu came raging out

"WHO THREW ME IN HERE?!" He shouted with fire in his mouth, destroying a table

Everyone pointed to me while I laughed. I was almost on the floor dying from laughter. Natsu looks like an idiot

"Not nice Luce" He said and threw my over his shoulder

"PUT ME DOWN!" I shouted and kicked his chest while punching his back

"Nope" He said with a large grin while everyone snikered. He put me down after a minute or two and hit me on the head. "Payback" He said with his onyx eyes getting a bit smaller, like how Igneels are.

"JUST KISS ALREADY!" Erza shouted and covered her mouth. We all starred wide eyed at her, while Natsu and mine ears had smoke coming out of them

"I agree" All the girls said at once, EVEN SARA!

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