Chapter 38

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(Lucy POV) "So, we're is he?" Sting asked bored. He didn't want to come, did he?

I closed my eyes and focused. I can feel every moment in 100 miles.

"37 miles west, distorying a town and having a fit" I said and reopened my eyes. My mouth hit the floor. Only Lamia Scale were with us


"They went to look for Satan" Lyon said with his normal bored expression

"I'm going after them. Remember. 37 miles west. Be prepared to fight. This isn't anything like Zerefs demons" I said with a straight face and all, but Sara, eyes widened

"Let's go look for the idiots" Sara said and grew white angel wings. Part of being an Angel Dragon Slayer. I created purple sparkly wings and we flew in the air. They couldn't of gotten far


"WHITE DRAGON ROAR" I heard in the forest. I flew down at the speed of light and found Sting and Rouge beating up a bear.... wow.

"You guys are idiots" I said walking up to them, which made them freeze in there places. I held my hand up and I lifted there bodies in the air, and flew away leaving the poor bear behind.


I flew over to Sara who has the Blue Pegasus boys behind her. "Time to go" Sara said and I nodded

"Let's go kill him one last time" I said with a stern voice

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