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I watch Mother fleetingly disappear into the room of faces I've undoubtedly never seen before and stand in shock at what has just happened.

     I hear Prince Raylin clear his throat next to me trying to catch my attention so I turn to hear his thoughts on the matter. 

"Well, that's one way to handle this situation.", He softly laughs. There it is again. I've got to know that laugh from somewhere I'm telling you. Raylin looks at me and then around the room before making a concerned face and offering me his arm for the second time tonight.

"If its okay with you Princess, I'd like to go out on the terrace for some air. Its a bit crowded and I wanted to speak about some things with you.". His green eyes meet mine for the first time and I can see genuine kindness in them. I can relax and after taking note of that I pass a few pauses then I take his arm, nodding for him to lead us.

Once outside, the royal guards bow low and stand off to the far edge,  giving us space to speak without being overheard. The balcony overlooks one of my favorite parts of this palace, the gardens. Its filled with all of my families favorite plants, reminders of our history.

I place my hands on  the railings and look up towards the dark sky trying to spot constellation after constellation. A game my Father and I used to play, who can name more.

    "Forgive me if this is forward but you don't remember me, do you?" I ask Raylin in curiosity.

 He glances down and offers a soft smile before looking back up towards the sky with me.  "I don't remember you from childhood. My father told me about the betrothal not long after the news of your father passing spread to us. He shared some memories that I can just barely place of being out in this land.  My father and I send our condolences. He has always spoken highly of Sunward and of their king.", He whispers loud enough for me to hear, getting softer closer to the end. Its like he knows he has to say it but also knows that me hearing it isn't helping.

    I look at my hands that grasp onto the rail for support, I can feel the prick of tears boiling up. I refuse to cry in front of him right now. I cant imagine him wanting to comfort his sworn-to-be after only just meeting. 

It could be worse, I could've met him on our wedding day and had to process everything at once on top of grieving the loss of Father.

"I didn't know anything about my betrothal. I had been warned that if Fathers condition worsened there could be a chance I would be arranged for but I had never thought it would come to pass. Next thing I know, I am saying goodbye to my best friend, training day after day, and then being informed I am stop grieving and prepare to marry in a week. All I knew of you was your importance and my mother would speak only good things.  I just wish my father was here for me. I loved him so much. Its hard to live everyday knowing the world keeps going, everything reminds me of him.". 

Suddenly my strength starts to crack before I can catch it and a tear slips past the walls I've spent days building.

   I tried to hide it but Raylin must have noticed because he grabs my hand and turns to me while listening on.

 " My father was everything to me. I did everything with him and he taught me many things. I took his death hard. I am taking it hard. Mother just says that the time for mourning is short when you have a kingdom, rather two combining. It's like I cant breathe half the time  and everyone is willing me to pretend nothings wrong.", I pause my rambling and catch my breathe. "I apologize, I'm making a mess of this.", I whisper to him.

    He looks at me with sad eyes and replies, "Melody. There is always time to mourn. You shouldn't have to pause and ignore your feelings just because you have responsibilities. One thing my Father taught me, strength is found through your emotions and the people who are there to help you through them. I know we don't know each other and this isn't what either of us would have wanted to happen but we are getting married soon. If support will help you then you can lean on me. If you need a rock to help you stand, then I will be that rock.  I am here for you. Until death do us part. It's the least I can do after everything."

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