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   I woke up today to nothing but silence.

Ice water pours through my veins at the thoughts ramming into my head about waking up to silence in the palace. 

  Normal days are filled laughter, sound of chattering, or music bouncing from wall to wall throughout the palace. Dishes clattering even or Mother scolding someone, mainly me for staying in bed for so long.

   Fathers condition has been getting worse, he's been growing paler... thinner. His hands tremble when he starts to get tired which is often. He is at meetings and official business less and less. I've not seen him outside in days.
   The council has been having meetings more often, almost twice a day, and I've been sitting in at Fathers request to observe and learn. I've been having lessons with each council member to help prepare for the inevitable.

    The doctors had informed Mother and Father that before the end of the season we should also anticipate Fathers health declining to the point where goodbyes are in order. I didn't take that news well. I locked myself in the room, moping for the rest of the day, ignoring mothers comments on how being a lady of the court means locking away my emotions.

   On the brighter side, not that there truly is one, I've been doing so well in lessons that the council members have been praising me on the progress.

   There are five members, Leeander, Richard, Charles, Lilliana, and Mathias. We keep five council members, trusted people of court, to help make hard choices. Five so there is never a tie if voting comes to play.

   Having this has confused most kingdoms because the king makes all the choices but Father decided no man should rule over an entire people without having insight from others.

    The council only really helps in cases like the one we're in now. One where I need serious training and I need it sooner rather than latter. Cases where their ruler is about to pass and the next heir doesn't have a way to secure their line yet, where the kingdom could be taken by anyone wishing to land an easy blow on a slowly weakening kingdom.

    We don't have many enemies and as much as I doubt they would even attack us at all, the possibilities are never zero.

   I finally finished preparing for my day, dressed in a comfortable gown with pants underneath. The gown having a slit straight up the middle to my waist. This allows me to move freely and be able to train as I am supposed to.

   As I make my way downstairs, preparing for what ever has caused stillness over the palace, I over hear the reason for silence. 

     Mother silently weeping through the door tells me the truth. The day Father is called by The Lord is coming close. 

   "Princess Melody! I was just on my way to retrieve you ma'am. The doctors called for us just a while ago, they wish you to join The Queen in the Royals chambers. It is... almost time.", one of my closest companions whispers with her head down. She never does that.

   "I see. Thank you, Susanna. You're all excused". I can feel the worry starts to sink in. This black ink that's been growing day in and day out, slowly trying to suffocate me, making each breath harder than the last. 

   The maid nods her head and offers her apology before ducking away. Smoothing out the wrinkles in my attire, taking a deep breath, and rolling back my shoulders as to feign confidence, I knock on the door in front of me.

   Quietly, I hear steps reaching the door and slowly pulling it open. I nod at the small maid and walk towards my parents. I pause at the doctor as he informs me of the news as the Pastor is mumbled prayers over my Fathers slowly fading life.

   I can feel myself grow numb to the events happening. The sting of tears growing, fading into just blurry vision, my nails digging into my hands hardly even a pinch. My feet feel three times heavier as I drag myself to kneel next to my Father and besides my Mother.

   I steadily grab his hand and spend the rest of the day by his side. Promising to never let go as long as he's here with me. I can see his typically light and humorous eyes turning tired. I can hardly make out his mumbling, all I hear is, "My dear Mel...", broken up by gasping breaths and pained wincing.

I fear the future now more than ever but I won't let it show, I cant. I will only allow silent tears mourning the soon to be retired great King George of Sunward.

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