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Prince Raylin and I spent the rest of the morning talking about different things we loved doing growing up and some things we still love to do. 

I told him how Father would take me to the nearby village to visit the bakery and bookstore. How I still try to go there when I can even today. 

He told me he used to love going into the forest inside their castles fence line and spend the days exploring or making up fantasy worlds. How still he goes and just sit under the trees or practicing his sword and bow skills because he finds the woods comforting.

After we got back into the palace Mother whisked me away for an afternoon meal and to sit through few final lessons. In preparation for this month long trip we planned to be finished with the trainings by now but the councilmen wanted me to review some things one final time. I cant blame them, Father told them explicitly to make sure I could hold my own when I had to travel into other kingdoms to discuss ours future.

The sun was set and I was finally free to meet Mother and Raylin for dinner, along with a few of the nobles who stayed to visit after the ball. The meal was mostly quiet with just a few conversations creating small talk among the table. I could feel Raylin watching me from across the table where he was seated but I did my best to ignore it. 

This last few days have been so tiring, I just want a silent meal and to head up to my quarters for bed. After all tomorrow is the day that we leave for this long trip and I don't want to be falling sleep or yawning all day.

I finish up my meal and excuse myself, wishing every one a goodnight. I make it out the door and into the corridor before I hear footsteps catching up with me. "Wait! Melody!." 

I turn around and wait for Raylin to catch up with me. Once he's next to me I begin to walk again, he looks at me concerned. "Melody, is everything okay? You were pretty quiet at dinner.", he asks cautiously.

"Oh, I'm fine, I just really need to go to sleep. I'm so tired, I can hardly stay awake.".

"Is it alright that I walk with you then?". Again being a gentlemen and not wanting to make me feel crowded. "Its perfectly fine Raylin, I'd enjoy the company."

"Great. Well I wanted to just catch up and tell you I had a really nice time this morning. It was refreshing getting to know you more. I think taking the trip tomorrow and not getting a chance to talk and relate first would've caused a tense trip.". He says it slowly as if he's nervous for my reaction but I just nod to show understanding. 

Hopefully this isn't offending him, I just cant even find the energy to walk right now let alone try to hold a conversation. 

I see Raylin rub the back of his neck with his hands as we arrive at my door. Why doesn't he just say what he's wanting to say? I don't get small talk.

"Raylin, I can tell somethings making you feel anxious. What is it?" I finally ask. Maybe that was too blunt...

He swings his hands a little before clasping them behind his back. Finally he speaks up, "Look, I know we are strangers basically, and this situation were in is probably the opposite of what you dreamed getting married would be like, I mean I definitely didn't want an arranged marriage, no offense or anything, just that I--uhm- Sorry. Rambling."

I giggled a little at how nervous he is while waiting for him to continue.

"I went into the town when I first arrived here. Your Father had sent a letter to my Father with some details finalizing the arrangements and within the letter he wrote some things for me to know about you. He had said you were fond of reading, so when I arrived I wanted to get you something for you. A gift of sorts. I asked the boy in the shop for some help picking one out and he gave me one I thought would be good. I figured if want you can tell me about it after you read it. If you want to read it that is. Any way I asked one of the ladies to bring it up here earlier and leave it near your bed. I just wanted to let you know.". 

He looked into my eyes trying to gauge my feelings on the matter. Honestly this is the nicest thing anyone besides family has done for me in a long time. 

I quickly reach out and hug Raylin, which appears to shock him seeing as it takes him a second to reach and wrap his arms around me. "That is very kind of you Raylin, I appreciate it very much and I will gladly tell you all about the story.", I say into his chest before he lets go.

I can see his ears redden slightly at the compliment. Im going to make a goal of doing that more often, its kind of cute. 

Raylin grabs my hand and kisses it lightly before wishing me a goodnight and heading off down the hall we came from/

As I walk into the room to get ready for bed I notice the book over on the table. I pick it up and find its one of my favorite authors, suddenly it dawns on me. "Prince Raylin was the man I saw in the shops that day!" I gasp. Funny how paths seem to cross like that.

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