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   This is the moment most girls look forward to all their lives, the climax to every fairytale in existence. I dread it.

   Most would love to meeting their husband, some even for arranged marriage. Although after stories I've heard of late, I could never see it the same way.

I do not see the world as they chose to. I wish to marry for love. I have yearned for the day I'd marry a man of my choice, one my Father would've loved to call a son. I've tried to explain this over and over but it's fallen on deaf ears time and time again.

  Mother says, "one must not judge by feelings, but by impressions.".

I think she's insane but alas no one agrees with me. I know, woe is poor Melody. The kingdom needs me to do this, I can understand that it is my duty, I just wish there was another way. Maybe that's the voice of my Father and the councilmen, 'Look at all the options, the right choice is often not the most apparent.'. 

I think off any possible way to escape as I near the end of the hall where the enormous oak doors are the only thing separating me from where my past and my future meet. Leaning against the ever so cold cobblestone I take in what could very well be my last taste of freedom. Breathe, just breathe.

"God,", I start to pray while clutching to the skirt on my dress. "Please, please, let this be a good man. I don't want to be trapped in unlove for the rest of my life. Please let him be kind and young. Don't break my heart, Lord.".

I can hear my mother scoff to me as she nears the doors I stand by. Opening my eyes and standing up I see her eyes narrow slightly at the wrinkle I caused on the skirt.

 " Honestly Melody, this isn't the end of the world. Don't ruin such a perfect dress on childish behavior. Now, stand up like the queen you're meant to be, we have people to impress and a kingdom to support.". 

She pulls me to stand Infront of the doors and quickly straightens out the misplaced curls or any wrinkle she can see. 

     Once she's satisfied she steps off to the side, preparing to enter after I do. The proper order for an event like this, always the king and queen last. This time however she's alone. I wonder if it hurts her the way I can feel it hurting me.

"Here we are, Mel. New lives for us all beyond this door.", Mother's soft and gentle voice whispers. I nearly lose my thoughts as she uses that nickname. She never says it.

Just as I am to mention it she signals with her slender hands for the guards to open the heavy doors. They start to groan quietly as they open and I can see the light and hear faint music from the party. 

I take a breath, trying to relax the slowly building nerves, and enter the ballroom.

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