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The morning moved rather fast and I tired my best to take in everything happening. The last few mornings were difficult to get going just because the weight of reality was standing on me. I breath the best I can as I watch the other staff take my cases to the carriage that was bound to be waiting outside the castle.

Mother walks in and smiles at me. I can see how proud she is that I am finally to be wed and continue the tradition that is often passed down between royals. Our lives are so predictable. We are born, raised taking private classes and doing things normal kids would never have to do and some thing we don't do that others might. We hit a certain age and we get married off to perfect strangers, sometimes people who are horrible, and then we carry out the rest of our lives telling our children its normal and it must be done until we die.

Mother walks to me and places a hand on my cheek.

"Be polite Melody, don't mess this up. Its your fathers last wish. He wanted this marriage to work out and wanted you both to share the kingdoms and rule together."

I think she knew saying that would want me to try harder at succeeding this arrangement. Its a good thing Father appears to know a striking alliance deal when he sees one. He must have known Raylin's Father would raise a worthy man. Hopefully were not all wrong or I could end up stuck for life in the mud from my tales anyway.

Before I know it I am dressed in a comfy gown, fed breakfast, and preparing to head out the door of the home I've known for the past eighteen years.

I step out of my former room following my Mother. My pale cream gown dragging on the cold floor. The silver and gold hand stitched designs of the sleeves and bodice shine in the sun as we pass windows. This was one of my favorites, it always shines and sparkles in the sun but its comfy and not restricting like most of the things my Mother insists I wear.. Father gave it to me for my birthday this last year and I remember wearing it twice in a week. His favorite color on me was always red but when I wore this you could tell was proud.

We near the final stairs and the door leading out to the carriage and I feel the nerves kick in. I didn't lie to Raylin. I have gone to other places before but they were never more than an hours trip. 

I have heard stories of things that can happen in the woods when royals pass through them. Bandits and thieves lurk around day and night waiting for the perfect time to attack and loot what they can. As much as taking adventures excites me, I never settle the whole time were on the road. 

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