Chapter 8

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* Nikolina's P.O.V *

I yawned and got up , scuffling downstairs and gasped . The foyer was beautifully decorated . I followed the trail of christmas tree lights into the huge ballroom that we hardly used . The room was adorned in roses or all colors . Uh-Oh. Mamma doesn't like pink . Oh , well . Aunt Bekah couldn't resist . There were white twinlking lights everywhere and the double door entrance to the indoor balcony was open as aunt Bekah pointed to where things should go . The balcony itself was covered in rose petals . It looked goregous ! Our huge diamond and crystal chandiler was being polished by a man on a tall ladder . I couldn't wait . Tatherina came skipping in , almost knocking the man down .

" Come on , Nikki . The dresses have arrived . " She exclaimed , pulling me into the foyer were a delivery man was waiting with our custom gowns .

The man handed us 7 gowns . One for each of us . I'd been working with a designer for my gown for months ! I hoped Jesse liked it !

* Tatiana's P.O.V *

I was terribly worried about Anastasia with this gala . She was so weak and pale . So fragile . Niklaus walked into our bedroom .

" Where were you ? I didn't hear you come in last night  . " I said , crossing my arms .
" Honestly ? " he asked , cocking an eyebrow .
" Aren't you always ? " I asked .
" I was dumping a body in the river . " he said casually .
" WHAT ? " I asked , stunned .
" She was a crazy old lady . You wouldn't have liked her. " he said , annoyed .

" NO ! BAD NIK! NO ! " I scolded .
He rolled his eyes.
" How are the power duo ? " he asked , changing the subject .
I sighed .
" Still not talking . Elijah's in the library . " I said .

" I'll go talk to him . " Niklaus said , exiting the room .

* Klaus's P.O.V *

Really ? Still not talking ? This is crazy . I never thought I'd say it , but I miss thier googley eyes ! ENOUGH ! I GET IT ! Be a nicer person and don't kill old hags ! ........ Starting now .

I walked into the library to see Elijah looking out the window .

" Hello , Elijah . " I said , cheerfully .
" The old lady .... on the news . The one that went missing .... you killed her , didn't you ? " he asked , without turning around .

" Kol did it . " I said , rolling my eyes .

Elijah turned around and I noticed the dark circles under his eyes .

" Have you been getting ANY sleep ? " I questioned .
" No , not really . " he said , walking over to sit on the couch.
" This is stupid . " I said , completely irritated .
" I'm so worried about her , Niklaus . I don't want to lose her . She's so ..... different and it happend completely overnight . " Elijah said .

" I don't know .... but you two need to talk . " I said .

" But if we can't trust eachother then what's the point in a realationship ! " Elijah asked .
" I don't know . But love makes us do crazy things .... like kill old ladys and dump thier bodies in rivers . " I said , patting his shoulder and walking out .

------- Sorry if there are any mistakes guys ,it's 3:10 in the morning here :) Anyways , I always do the dramatic questions so ..... WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ANNA ! What about Jesse and Nikki ? Is Elijah's and Anna's relationship really over or will they still be the most powerful couple ? What about Kol and his sad addiction to romantic comedies ? What about the old lady ? Is she really dead ? --------------

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