Letters to Snape on How to Save a Life 13

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neh031, your wish has been granted!

Te amo All!



Please do not fret. I know you only kissed me out of pity.

Thank you for this Journal. I am quite excited to figure out how this works.

I hope you have a Merry Christmas!



You are welcomed. Your Journal is a part of a set of two. I have the other. What ever is written in one Journal will immediately appear in the other Journal. This will allow us a more confidential way of communicating, so long as you follow the enclosed security directions exactly. Who ever attempts to read the letters, besides you and I, will only see a blank pages. You are able to transfigure the cover to anything you'd  desire. Mine is labeled "Potions Research and Theories".


By way of Carl, I collected the letters I sent to you, paired them with mine, placing them in the beginning of the Journal. I destroyed the originals.


Out of all the things I feel, pity is not one of them.


Severus Snape

Also, Happy Christmas!


Thank you so much! I truly love this!

I've never felt so happy.

I feel much better being able to communicate with you so freely...Even though Dumbledore knows.



You may refer to me as Severus in the Journals.

Even though Dumbledore knows, it's best not to tell anyone. With the way things are at the Ministry, and the rise of the Dark Lord, it's best to keep things on the...down low...I believe that is a term you youth use.





Yes we use that word. Although, I'm some what of an older youth.

I'm glad that you believe He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named has returned.



I am/was surprised to find you at the Order of the Phoenix Head Quarters last night.

How old are you?

You would be a fool if you did not believe He has returned.



Ginny went through a great deal for them to allow me in. I think she felt bad that I had no where to go for Christmas.

It came from the recommendation of Dumbledore that they allowed me in.

I'm 17, my Birthday is in a few months. 

See you at the Holiday feast tonight.



Last night was so Embarrassing!

What the hell is Sirius's problem?

He made the situation so much worse than it needed to be.



Sirius Black is one of the a fore mentioned in a previous letter, that tormented me in my youth. There is still much animosity and Hostility between us. The jabs were directed at me, you were unfortunately caught in the cross fire. 

My fist...and Dumbledore, has set to it that it will not happen again.


However, there are worst people I could be caught with under the mistletoe, I'm glad it was you.




I just want to make sure all you guys know, that the format of this story will be in letter form.

We won't find things out until after they happen, not as they happen.

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