Farrah Faye [5]

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It took me a while to get this chapter right. And I hope it is. I hope you like it as much as I liked writting it!






Faye's P.O.V.

How can people be so rude!? I mean, I got shot in the stomach AGAIN!

I didn't feel any pain so I slowly put my right hand to my stomach and felt for a wound or blood. Nothing. I looked down at the hole in my dress and saw a small pink dot on my pale flesh. The bullet didn't penetrate! I looked up at John, gave a menacing smile, then before he could even register my movement, I had the gun in my hand with it pointed at his head.

"Good shot. Too bad it didn't go through. Now, I know that if I were to pull this trigger with the gun pointed at your head, you wouldn't be able to dodge it and you wouldn't be able to come back from it. You're not like me, so I wouldn't gamble with your life if I were you. Just something you should think of." I backed away from John with the gun still in my hand. I turned my head but kept the gun pointed at John as I said, "Don't think that because my head is turned away from you that I wont sense anything. Make a move and I will kill you, John." I could hear the thumping of hearts as they started beating faster and faster with every second.

"Faye, I think you've scared them enough." Rex came up behind me and put a hand on my lower back, sending shivers up my back.

"You think now do you. Well, I haven't even begun to have fun with them yet. Please, Rex, jsut a little more time? Please? After what he did to me, you should be thinking about me not them. But then again, I could kill them all right here." I smiled as their heartbeats got faster. I looked to the mirror hanging above the fireplace. A woman was looking back at me. My eyes as bright purple as they have ever been and my flesh as pale as ever. Shivers went through my body as I backed away from the mirror.

Farrah FayeWhere stories live. Discover now