Rwby Rachael Story Chapter 12 Adam and Rachael Separation Part 2

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Adam:Rachael i hope your okay I'm really worried about you please be okay I don't where you are just be safe please

Cinder:Aw how cute your Worried about your wife how cute you're searching for her till she left you and your own wedding why can't you realize Adam she's a useless good-for-nothing if I were you you choose me to be your partner and I don't like being your wife I won't run away like a scared little girl like she is and not only that she one.

Cut Cinder off

Adam: shut the fuck up I don't want to hear your carp so for damn once fuck off i would put up with crap

Cinder:Wow I finally got you on your bad side huh how cute that what i like about you you never lie about yourself.

Adam:What the hall is what wrong with you why damn it why can you fucking realize that I don't want nothing to do with you the only person I want in my life is Rachel she loves me for me she doesn't care about my past or anything what I did she's the reason why I'm still alive and happy and I will let no one get out i don't need you Cinder I don't need you weigh me down if I ever see you here if one day if I ever fight you Cinder I won't show no mercy I don't care how strong you are we are full Maiden Powers I will give up no matter what happened and I know knowing Rachael strength give me the strength I need to put them straight from the White Fang Rachael everyone in the White Fang they've been like a family to me I'll do everything I can to protect my family no matter what happens I don't care what happens to me but I do care what happens to everyone here.

Cinder:Wow I'm Amazed you put the White Fang and Rachel first and yourself second you don't even care what happens to you Adam you're nothing but a coward it's a stupid thing putting yourself before the White Fang that's a lot of shit to me I mostly use people to my advantage and I love doing it for my entertainment.

Adam: you're one sick woman you use people For Your Entertainment you don't care how you hurt the people you care for what about emerald and Mercury huh they done so much for you and your butt as if they get hurt you're just going to toss them aside be grateful for what you have those two went through a rough life and I feel sorry for them both if you take advantage of them I won't hesitate to knock some sense into you not only me but everyone in the White Fang and Rachel if you kill me you'll be messing with the wrong people and don't piss rachael off when she's pissed she's very strong just giving you a fair warning we're rachael beyond pissed she's her powers is surpass yours  Cinder it will be best not to get her on her bad side you'll see one's different side of Rachel and it won't be pretty for you I'm Amazed because she uses her power to protect the people she cares for she doesn't care what happens to her she puts the White Fang and I first and herself second that's when she told me that day today should we first met what she said that day it changed my life she means so much to me and her do everything I could to protect her that's why I love her cinder you'll never take no matter what happens to her I will still have her in my heart it's just something does happen to her she will still be a right by my side no matter what let me tell you this what I said just now that was our wedding vows but you f*** that up that day I'm going to tell you this one last time I don't want nothing to do with you and I'm saying this because I don't like repeating myself when I'm gone I want you out of here if I see you here right Cinder I will end you I don't care if I had to get my own hands dirty I'll do it if I have to I won't show Mercy to getting rid of you so this goodbye cinder.

Cinder:What the hell you just say you what do you seen that little bitch anyway who knows where she is she might be hooking up behind your back who knows what she might be in a hotel sleeping with some other guy like a little Tramp is she.

Takes out his sword and put it between Cinders neck

Adam: shut your dirty little mouth she's not a Tramp only tramp i see here is you cinder now I may take my leave when I'm come I don't want you near the white thing anymore but don't ever come between me and Rachael again Cinder goodbye.

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