Chapter 21

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"Hey Fishlegs?" Heather called. They were now walking, with their dragons, in one of the islands near Berk to search and retreive the ingredients they needed for Astrid's illness.

"Yes Heather?" Fishlegs turned towards her, averting his attention from the different kinds of rocks that he was telling Meatlug.

"Just out of curiosity, I was wondering... what exactly is the Eel Pox?" She asked. "I know that we're searching for the Eel Pox Cure to help with Astrid and all but I've never heard of such sickness in our island before."

Behind them, Snotlout could be heard wailing, "This is why I never want to get stuck with these pairings ~ and this time it happened to be Heathlegs. Ugh!" He faked gag. "Why even bother asking Fishface when we all know that I am the answer to your questions?" He flexed his "muscles" and pointed to himself. "And if you needed to know anything, come to Snotlout, maybe he could help."

"Oh, is that so?" Heather eyed him, thinking.


"Then what is the answer to my question?" Heather challenged, crossing her arms.

"I don't know. I said maybe, didn't I?"

"And that is the reason why Fishlegs was the one that I asked."

"Whatever." Snotlout scoffed. "Hookfang and I will go this way and look for whatever we're looking for." He escorted his dragon to the opposite side of where Fishlegs is heading, mumbling words to himself.

Heather was debating whether she should stop him or not. It wasn't a wise idea splitting up because that often leads to trouble, but the island they were in was nearby Berk. It wasn't like Snotlout hasn't gone here before. Plus, they've travelled into the great beyond already. Surely, Snotlout can handle himself. If he handled himself well at the Edge then he should be able to do that here too. There's also the fact that whether they stayed together or split up, they were always prone to trouble. In the end, she let Snotlout leave. They would easily find him anyway.

"As I was saying, what exactly is an Eel Pox?"

"Well, the Eel Pox is a dangerous disease that affects both humans and dragons. Its symptoms include the chills, violent sneezing, coughing, and paleness in the skin. It also causes delutions that makes people out of character. After drinking the soup or the cure, it would take about two or three days and then everything is back to normal." He started. "However the effects are much worse in dragons."

"Oh." Was all that Heather said. It was much worse with dragons. That means that if Astrid needed the soup, then it would be easier to cure her. She's not a dragon, she's human. "So I guess that Astrid will be all fine considering that the Eel Pox
Cure is included in the list. If an Eel Pox can be cured in about two or more days, Astrid will be back to herself in no time."

"I think you don't quite get it Heather." Fishlegs said and the said girl knitted her brows in confusion. "If Astrid needed the cure for the Eel Pox ~ a dangerous disease as I mentioned earlier ~ as a part of the ingredients needed for whatever sickness she has then that means it's a more serious problem. The Eel Pox cure and the Buffalord saliva mixed with the green substance ~ the cure for the Scourge of Odin, the sickness that could make you a goner in about three moon cycles ~ were only almost half of all the ingredients." Fishlegs didn't explain in an arguing tone, he was talking with his panicky voice, speaking quickly. Worry and panick evident in his tone.

But that doesn't excuse him from being so negative. "One's illness isn't measured by the ingredients needed Fishlegs." Heather stated. "I was the one who visited Astrid earlier and I saw her. I saw my best friend sleeping peacefully. She look a little pale but that was all of it, she doesn't even have a fever or anything. Astrid is fine. She will be fine." She convinced.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2018 ⏰

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