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  I hear Bellamy yelling at people outside. I hobble out and look over the camp.

  He turns to look at me and asks "Why are you outside?"

  I shrug and ask "Can I not come visit my favorite person?"

  He answers "That depends on if you are feeling any better."

  I stay silent and I already know he knows that I'm not.

  He says sternly "Get back in the drop ship."

  Clarke soon joins us and orders "Get back inside, Anna."

  I ask in an annoyed tone "You really think you are gonna order me around? That's a joke, Clarke."

  Bellamy asks clearly trying to steer the subject away from me "You got enough food in there, water?"

  She answers"Yeah, some medicine might be nice."

  He nods and says "I'll see what I can do. Can I talk to Octavia?"

  I give Clarke a nervous side ways glance and asks hurriedly "How about we get you away from the drop ship? It's very contagious. You shouldn't even be around us, shoo."

  I start making shooing motions with my hands and he walks towards the drop ship.

  He calls into the drop ship "Octavia, you okay?"

  Clarke lets out a long sigh.

  Bellamy looks at us worriedly when Octavia doesn't answer.

  Clarke says "Bellamy, wait. She's not here. I sent her to see Lincoln. Look, if there is a cure, he has it. I didn't tell you beside I know you wouldn't let her go."

  Bellamy shakes his head and turns his gaze to me. I immediately look down to avoid eye contact.

He asks me "Did you know about this?"

I didn't answer but the silence told more than words could. He shakes his once again.

He asks me "Why did you keep this from me?"

I continue to stay silent.

He says "You know how much I love her and you still didn't tell me. If anything happens to her, you and me are gonna have problems, Clarke."

He turns around and I stagger towards him. I need to apologize but I don't get to cause someone begins yelling.

A boy yells "Dude, your eyes!"

Everyone turns their attention to an Asian kid with blood dripping from his eyes.

I yell as loud as I could which was not very loud "Nobody touch him!"

Bellamy yells at the kid "Get in the drop ship, now!"

Soon more and more people start throwing up and bleeding from their ears, noses, and eyes.

A boy points a gun at me and I stop in shock.

He yells "Get in the drop ship!"

Bellamy knocks him in the jaw and grabs the gun away from him.

A gunshot is heard around camp and everyone turns to the person who did it. Clarke.

What the hell is she thinking? She just wasted a bullet.

Clarke says "This is exactly what the grounders want. Don't you see that? They don't have to kill us if we kill each other first."

I try to speak as loud as I can "She's right. If we turn against each other all we are gonna do is tear ourselves down and the grounders didn't even have to lift a finger."

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