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"Bad Liar" by Selena Gomez to set the mood. 



Spry, Vigorous and busy

Originally it was going to be Zee's POV because I already have the titles and meanings of the chapters set before I even write them. Like last week at breakfast, I already titled three chapters I just have to fill in the chapter and I already set the POV's too but I changed it from Zee to Selena / Ben's because I still want to capture Ben's POV of what the fuck just went down. 

I wasn't expecting Zee to run into her ex, I didn't plan that. See what happens when I drink and write? You gotta give me a clap for that because this chapter already had a plan last week when I was titling the other chapters but it just hit me today so  . . . . Ben's POV! 

--Actually Nah, fuck that because I just thought about it and I didn't write how exactly Zee saw Helen and her husband out there, that makes sense right? To write down what happened and how she was feeling before we get back to Ben. I was right in the first place, Zee had the chapter from the jump!


Selena had been acting weird ever since she woke me up from my  . . .  I don't even want to think about it. I don't know what I saw but it was way lucid for me. The same reoccurring nightmare for the past almost twelve years I think. 

But Selena was acting like a whole 'nother person, her touch was a bit wider and masculine, her voice was deeper and her eyes dilated. Her posture was very much different too and the way she came about me was awkward but she was still a sweetheart, taking me out to dinner and such. So I let her get out the car to get our seats from Maggiano's and I drive away next to the parking lot paying for parking which was 10.00, today. Not bad.

I park on the second level because all the first floor spots are filled to compacity. I get out and take my purse dropping my keys and ticket inside then zipping the bag close and walk from the car and I lock it manually from the inside control board of my driver's door because the keys were already in my bag as I thought to lock up the car. 

As I am now walking further from the car I heard giggling and a bellowing laughter coming from a couple. The giggle is almost familiar but I keep walking until I go down the corner to the second level parking garage and there she is . . .  Copper-haired weave flowing down to her waist thin and still curvaceous as ever with her dumb ass skin tone nude Louboutins on and a pair of black and red Jordans next to her feet with an attractive high yellow light skin black man next to her with his hand around her waist. 

They pause and look at me with disgust and pity, even the man recognizes me. "is this that crazy bitch, baby?" the man asks. I am a woman, have this man no respect for women in general? "Crazy bitch" had me triggered. 

I pause in my footsteps as well and she nods. Helen looks me up and down smirking and trying her best to keep her lips pursed from almost busting out in laughter. "y-yup!" she cackles. She's got much worse since I last saw her. Since she left the house.  I thought.  This hurt me, the way how she was displaying her animosity towards me. "that bitch, well bitch don't you have something to say or will you keep it moving with your sorry ass?" I look down at Helen's feminine fingers. A ring. Not a rock but an asteroid on her finger and a bunch of ice to keep it from looking lonely all over her body.

Funny thing is I still had feelings for her even when she was being clearly malicious towards me with her husband. "oh for the good Lord's sake hasn't your mother taught you anything about talking when someone speaks to you and being cordial you mute whore?" the husband roars. 

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