1. Gelid

490 22 14



Icy, extremely cold


It's blistering cold outside, no one should be out here yet people are and are continuing to roam the streets. I know I should be inside but Darth's gone missing yet again and she would choose now to go on one of her little escapades. 

Darth was the only one who was there for me, she's all I knew since the day I found myself lost in the streets. Lost in my own mind as well and she was there, pawing at my head when I was sprawled out in the streets and in pain... That night is still so unclear to me on what happened. 

Here it is; another unclear night. "Darth!" I called out.  My fingers were nearly blistering as well as my feet. "Darth!"

A headache was coming upon me soon hitting me hard, my body was cold as ever. I knew I had to go in somewhere, my shop was only a block away, perhaps Darth was there. Many times I took Darth with me to the pastry shop and fed her edible cookies for cats and dogs while many kids whom came in would pet her and enjoy pastries after school. 

I ran down the block as fast as my feet could humanly carry me. "Darth!" not a single meow in this entire neighborhood. Every cat in the neighborhood was already owned and pretty much house cats. Darth was adventurous for a fat black cat. 

I pulled my shop keys out from my pocket and unlocked the door to the bakery.  I closed the door behind me and went into the back where she might have been, I open the door to the back of the bakery and take out the flashlight in my phone looking for Darth. "Darth! Mama's looking for you!" I shout. "come back home little girl!"

I was back outside once again in an alleyway behind my bakery but it didn't seem to matter really, she mattered. But the feeling of the severe cold has turned me dizzy now and Darth Vader was nowhere to be found outside, mainly just raccoons and a few rats-- that didn't bother me. I still searching in the garbage can hoping she was in there trying to eat left over cat cookies like she'd usually do.

Then from afar I heard the bells go off from the front door and left the alley to close the back and rush in the front. "hello?" it was a young female voice.

I cautiously walked to the front hoping it wasn't anyone robbing or to take advantage. The girl had stood there with doe eyes and beautiful wavy auburn hair. She was quite stunning and looked indeed fragile, but whom I kidding? I am almost twice her age. 

I looked down besides her face and seen Darth in her arms. "oh my god, Darth!" I ran towards the girl and kissed Darth's forehead. 

"I'd seen her in a fight with another cat-- A turf war of some sort trying to get in a box and well I took her from the fight and you know I often walk by your shop,  seeing the kids petting her with their little decaf coffees doing their home work so I saw your shop open as I was leaving work and you just happened to be open-- I was going to take her home for the night."

My head swung but I tried to gather my better strength. "t-thank you so much for getting her back to me, Darth's rather an adventurous little thing-- you must be freezing can I make you anything?" I ask. 

The girl shook her head. "no, I must be getting on my way home though." the girl said.

I felt inclined still to do the girl another good deed as she's done for me. "please at least something then for the way home, hot chocolates are my specialty, sorry I can't make a coffee like my business partner Sawyer can,"

She smiles. "um okay if you insist,"

She closed the door behind herself and put Darth down on her own paws. I made my way behind counter as she sat down and was still rather sprung. "are you okay the girl asked?" she could tell too? Fuck.

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