Episode 7: Clone Wars!

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Brie's POV
I've been feeling so torn, it's annoying especially being the middle child, you always get ignored unless, it's time for you to be the mediator.

Gabby needs to come back from swimming with the fishes, it just seemed so rush how Uncle Gabe told her he was her father and he already had something for her to do, something seems off!

I hear the doorbell and I go running to the door as always! "I'll get it!" As I say making my way almost down the stairs. I open the door and see a beautiful, brown skinned girl, her curly black hair in a bun, yellow long sleeved top, and to top her look off she had a jean colored skirt! "How can I help you?" I ask.

"Hi my name is Steph, sorry to come unexpected but you actually can!" Seeing the girl was in distress, I didn't want to oppose.

I take a breath and motion my arm letting her know she can come in.  As we sit down I see Brie #2 coming down the stairs, I motion my clone to go right back up. I've came into this power when Shyann first case into hers. I had was torn in between working, relaxing, and also wanting to see my sister, so I split into three or two I don't know. I haven't used it since, but since Gabby has been under the sea I've been feeling like I needed to take her place and mine.

"You're a twin?" Steph said amused. "I didn't know the Charmed ones, had a set of twins!"

Soon as she finished those flabbergasting words my heart dropped, and I can feel my eyes almost falling out their sockets. "The Who?" I say trying to act like I didn't hear the blasphemy. How in the world does she know,there's no way in hell!

"Cut the crap, you heard exactly what I said!" Steph said rising out her chair, with the most disgusted look on her face, If looks could kill! I'll be cremated.

I start to back up, "Look What was it? Steph? I don't know what you're talking about and I think it would be best if you would just leave!" She starts to conjure up a form of water with her hands and throws it at me, and instead of trying to slow it down like my intentions were, air releases from my hands sending it back in her direction causing her to drop a painful fall into the grandfather clock!

I hurry up and run upstairs to the attic to see if I can find a spell in, "The Book of Destiny." Right when I make it in, Steph orbs in similar to Gabby, which was odd because whitelighters are good, and this girl is trying to kill me!

Before I can make my next move Steph punches me to the floor, I see stars for a few seconds as I wipe the blood away from nose. When I was bout to gain strength to get her back she kicks me in the face causing me to fall right back where I started. But lil does she know I have tricks up sleeves!

Right when Stephanie was about to start I guess a maniacal speech, Brie number two comes in the attic and kicks her from behind and retracts back into my body! Struggling to get up I grab Steph by her neck and slamming her face to the wall, holding it there, "NOW WHAT DO YOU WANT?!?" I exclaim, as I decided to let her go so she can explain herself.

"You put up good fight but it's not you I want, it's your power, and the deep diver throne!" Soon as she finishes she stabs me with a knife similar to the warlock Tyson had. As she held the knife in my stomach, it felt like every energy I had leaving my entire existence! Then Steph disappeared. At this very moment I knew I was dying and know one was hear to save me, our whitelighter was riding dolphins with Gabby with no way to heal me, while I was sitting in my last moment I slowly feel my eyes shutting.

Suddenly I hear laughter getting louder and louder, when I finally realize it was Shy, she's part whitelighter maybe she can heal me.

"OH MY GOD! Noelle I have to call you back! Imma have to call you back, bye!" Shyann exclaimed as she dropped her phone! "ASHLY! KRIS!" I guess the girls knew by Shy's voice, they knew it was trouble, especially because Shyann never screams. The girls came running to attic immediately.

"Oh no! I can't do this right now!" Kris grunted. "My sister can't be dying on the same day Kane was discovered to still be alive!" Hearing those words made me fight even stronger I thought we vanquished that bastard! "Shyann, you have to heal her, while you still can!" Ashly said in a comforting tone. "I know you're trying to guide me but I don't know the trigger! Plus Gabe never had to heal one of us yet, so I don't even know how to do it!"

"I'll check the book!" Kristal rushes. "I'm happy to know that my last memory will be my sisters trying to save my life! I guess I'm not ignored like I think I am. "Got it!" Kristal shouted. "It says whitelighters heal through their hands as a yellow light shines as the process is happening! When whitelighters heals a wound it also repairs the damage in the clothing, whitelighters can't heal animals but they can heal objects, the trigger of healing is love." Kristal read as her breath was hitching.

"Okay just let me clear my mind!" Shyann said sniffling as she put her hands over my stomach. As she was start to actually breathe, a yellow glow was shinning from her hands and my wound was slowly started to heal till I finally caught my breath, I let out a loud gasp letting and gave Shyann a tight ass hug, symbolizing my thanks and my proudness of her.

"I did it!" Shyann said proudly as she was released from my arms!

"Now how did this happen?" Ashly asked.

"Some girl named Steph! She seemed distressed so I wanted to help her then she attacked me and we were fighting and she stabbed me."

"That seems off why would she go through all this trouble just to prick you?" Kristal said annoyed.

"Do you think it's connected to Kane?" Ashly focused to Kris.

As I noticed Shy picking up the tool that almost was the death of me I try to warn her not to pick it up but it was too late. As soon as she picked it up, she let out a loud gasp. "Its no where connected to Kane! It's Gabby!" Shyann said as she caught her breath.

"I knew something was off how Gabe rushed into things!"

Shyann shook her head, which made me and all the girls alarmed. "Then what!" Ashly slightly raised her voice.

As soon as Shyann was about to give a visual of what she seen, a lightbulb clicked! "Before Steph stabbed me, she said about 'deep diver thrown' Both Gabby and Gabe are in trouble she's going to take over Atlantis!"

I tell one of the girls throw something at me, Ashly thought she already had something in her hand and out of nowhere conjured up a ball similar to electricity! Instead of throwing something at me she was amazed at her new discovered power, so Kristal threw a pillow at me instead and I when I couldn't slow it down, I realized Steph had my powers but for what? And why?! "Ouch!" I said having a late reaction to the pillow hitting my face!

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