Twenty Eight

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© 2014 MellowDramatic All Rights Reserved No part of this story can be reproduced, duplicated or copied in any way.This storyline,the credit, the plot, and every word belongs to the author, please respect that and enjoy

Chapter Twenty Eight.

I stared at Clifford as the sun rose.The sun shining on his skin.I had realized he was so tan.The first time I had ever laid eyes on him he was pale and unhealthy,but his tan skin did wonders for him.His hair was pushed down and looked messy rather than it's neat side slick.His chain swiveled down to the side of his neck and I could see my mark's perfection

I smiled wide and scooted closer to him,nuzzling myself within him and it felt like I was home.I had run from home because it never felt right,but in his arms I am home,and that may sound cliche as fuck,but it was the truth.Clifford held refuge for my heart,and I knew he would keep it safe.

He made me feel like there was no one or anything that could hurt me.

"Morning"His voice was groggy and tired,but it still made me shiver.

"You slept in"I smiled.He looked at the clock

"I did."He smiled.He rolled onto his back

"Am I dreaming?"He asked softly putting his hands behind his head

"No"I said.

"You're wide awake,Cliff"

"God did you ever think when you first saw me,you'd be bound to me forever?"He asked.

No I didn't

I brought up my finger and tuned his he's to me quickly

"No.I thought I was gay and you had a dick.I assumed that we could become buddy's and we could be each other's wingman"I chuckled

"I'm not sure if your joking or not"

"Sadly I'm not"I said

"You know what that doesn't sound too bad"He smirked.I nudged his arm slightly and he chuckled.

"We are so fucked up"

"We are damaged goods,Cliff"I said

"But we are still good,and we still work"I smiled.

"Can we just say here forever"He said.He hugged my arms and I smiled

"Maybe but if we do intend on doing so.You have to answer five questions,and I have to answer five questions"


"Because we've been bound together and I don't even know your favorite color."

"Green"He answered.

"You know what I mean"I said biting my lip

"Okay shoot"

"When's your birthday"

"February 15th"

"After Valentines day"

"Maybe that's why I'm such a hopeless romantic."

"You...a romantic"

"Yes maybe if you were a little but more accepting you would have heard that I am a sucker for beautiful girls"

"You weren't a sucker for me"

"I was putty in your hands"He stated.Was he really?

"Okay.Whats your favorite movie?"I asked

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