Chapter 25 - Kylan

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The Pearl Palace, Cantella, Anemasi

26th Year of the Ocean

The Last Day of the Fifth Moon

Kylan's knees collapsed beneath him as his feet hit the floor – he'd landed so close to his bed that he fell face-first into the mattress. With a groan, he pushed himself up, only to throw his arms around his head and fall back down into the mattress once more – this time by choice.

He could hardly make sense of his conversation with Olivier. Her news of Slovenna, him admitting he wished she wouldn't marry Darius, her kissing him... these were all things he could hardly bare to deal with. Yet the former was something he didn't have long to think about.


He didn't answer Tenebrille's call.

Kylan, the dragon said again, the future of the Venti throne hangs in the balance. You must help Davri and the royals escape if you ever want a Flareia-wide alliance against Tommél Ivenya.

There's no point of a Flareia-wide alliance if Olivier is dead along with the Sea Dragon.

Excuse me?

Kylan shook his head. He had no time to explain himself to Ten, had no time to save the Venti royals. They could wait a couple more hours. Slovenna, Lymphario and Olivier could be dead by then. He forced himself to his feet.

I need to go, he told Tenebrille. I need to go to Avalona.


Then he did something he'd never done before, something he'd never wanted to. He slammed up a wall between him and the Shadow Dragon, and for the first time in five moons, his mind was his own. The second he could no longer feel Tenebrille in his head, he felt as if he'd betrayed him. There was a wrongness now, to the emptiness of his mind. It sent a shiver down his spine.

Was this how Olivier would have to live, if she survived Lymphario's death?


Lymphario wouldn't die. And neither would Slovenna.

Kylan turned to the stained-glass windows of his room and yanked the curtains before them closed. As he stepped into the shadows they created, he remembered all the time he'd spent in the Palace of Sand, the first night he ended up in Olivier's room by accident, that night on the beach with her and Flae – the first time he'd felt at peace since he could remember, and the last night, when Olivier insisted the next day wouldn't matter, even though it mattered more than anything. He felt the shadows wrap around him like the curtain around the window, and then he was swooped away from Anemasi.

There was a strange sensation of something hitting him in the side at a very high speed, yet he couldn't open his mouth to cry out. When the shadows disappeared from around him, he was not in Avalona. The ground around him was dark, a black, bubbled rock. He was at the top of a cliff, waves crashing below, wind swirling above. To his right was another cliff, dropping off into the ocean quite far off. To his left, in the distance, liquid fire flowed across the rock, sending steam into the air along with a strange smell of burning metal.

No, not liquid fire.


Yes, a voice scoffed, you're not in Avalona. I intercepted you before you could get there.

Surrounded by black rock, his eyes had skimmed right over the black cat at his feet. He scowled at Seraphi, but she seemed to be scowling right back – only her scowl was more intimidating, what with having a scar running across her eye.

He didn't have time to argue, so he simply asked, "You can do that?"

I can do a lot of things you haven't considered, Kylan of the Light.

"Why are you here? Why did you 'intercept' me?"

Because you forget, Kylan, Seraphi said, prancing around his feet and brushing her tail against the back of his legs. You are not alone in all this.

He scoffed. "It doesn't feel like that, sometimes."

I know. Tenebrille knows. And that is why I am here.

He narrowed his eyes. "What is that supposed to mean?"

Go to Umbrassé. Save the Venti royals.

"I can't."

You can.


I know very well about Olivier's current situation, the cat interrupted, but she did not elaborate on how exactly she knew of it.

Kylan sighed, scratching the back of his head. "Where are we right now? Aside from Ignisia, that is."

Seraphi cocked her head to the side as she scanned their surroundings. Somewhere on the far West coast of Ignisia. I believe the locals call it the Mandra Lava Falls. It is where a counter-chamber of Mount Igno meets the ocean. I hear it's quite the tourist attraction.

He didn't have time for this.

"I can't go to Venteer and leave Lymphario and Olivier to die."

No one is dying today.

"How can you be so sure? Slovenna could be dead already!"

That is why you will go to Venteer. What will you possibly do if you arrive in the Palace of Sand and Slovenna is dead? You will land yourself in the middle of the enemy camp with no plan, and possibly no way to escape if you fail to access Tenebrille's powers. Not to mention the fact that Tommél Ivenya will likely kill you in a more painful way than he is currently trying to kill Slovenna.

"What do you suggest, then?"

As I have said, three times now – you go to Venteer. I will go to Avalona. I will save Slovenna. I am easier to hide than you are.

He blinked.

You seem to forget, Kylan, that you are not the only one who can shadow travel.

He looked away. "And what will you do when you save her? Sure, take her to Lymphario, but she could still die of her injuries."

That is where you come in, Seraphi said, prowling to the cliff edge. You already experienced Bacchi's healing powers when Corrian Mae unintentionally healed your face. Before you secure the Venti royals, you will send Corrian Mae to Ignisia. He and Bacchi should be able to save Slovenna, should she be in grave danger.

"Should be able to," Kylan repeated.

It is the best chance we have.

He hated that she was right.

"Alright," he breathed. "I'll go to Venteer."

Good, she said. I hear they're expecting you.

Then a flurry of shadows surrounded her, and she was gone.

With a sigh, he drew the shadows around him and followed suit – to the Umbrassi crypts.

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