Chapter 4 - Corrian

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The Barren, Umbrassé

26th Year of the Ocean

First Day of the Fifth Moon

Corrian kicked a stone across the ground, feeling the vibration of it in his chest each time it bounced. The sandy Umbrassé ground was more comfortable to walk upon than the frozen earth of Venteer – though little grew in the desert, it felt more alive.

And where the earth felt more alive, so did Corrian. Even far below in the crypts where the Venti royals and even Maylif and Aspen were struggling, Corrian felt better than he ever had in the Venti Palace in the Air. He assumed that being surrounded by the earth soothed him, but it may have also had something to do with him being the only one Tenebrille allowed out into Umbrassé whenever he pleased.

While he, Aspen and Maylif all had dark Gaian skin, the Umbrassi people had much deeper colouring. The three of them agreed that while all of them could blend in much more than the shockingly pale Venti royals, only one of them should venture out – but Aspen's green eyes were too recognisable, too memorable in a city of silver, and Maylif had no way of defending herself. So, the responsibility of supply runs fell to Corrian, so long as he kept his head down to hide his amber eyes.

Davri was the only one who knew Corrian did more than gather supplies when he left the crypts. The Umbrassi Emperor was insisting that the new Dragonheir had been lost in the Avalonian Coup in the north, but he and Davri knew – Tenebrille's mannerisms hadn't changed; he gave no indication of mourning. Which meant the second Umbrassi Dragonheir was alive, and if the ever wanted to safely leave the crypts, they would need his help.

It had been Davri's idea to spread the truth to the Umbrassi people – to spread whispers that the Dragonheir hadn't perished. But neither of them had anticipated the sheer legend of Kylan Halif that grew each day as a result. Now there were so many activist groups that there was no danger in the Umbrassi Emperor tracing the hysteria back to an illegal Gaian refugee.

Or at least, that was what Davri had been insisting when Aspen had rounded a corner behind them in the crypts, his green eyes ablaze in the darkness.

"And what if it is traced back to Corrian?" He'd asked, staring daggers at Davri. "Will Venteer face the consequences for instigating the execution of the Gaian Dragonheir for being involved with Umbrassi rebels?"

"No one will be getting executed." Davri had snapped. "Corrian is in no danger, and even if he was, do you doubt your own Dragonheir's ability to defend himself?"

"It's my job as a soldier to defend him." Aspen had insisted. "The High Council of Gaiamere trusted me alone to protect the Dragonheir-in-Waiting, Lord Davri. I cannot agree to you endangering him—"

"Enough." Corrian had yelled. His skin had prickled at Aspen calling him by his true title, as if the guard hadn't been the one insisting he was the only person suited to being Gaiamere's full Dragonheir. "I chose this. I chose to rally the people. You know as well as I do that we need the Umbrassi Dragonheir's help if we wish to leave the crypts safely. I have a duty, Aspen—"

To his surprise, the guard had laughed, but there had been no humour in the sound. It sent a shiver down Corrian's spine. "That's always going to be your excuse, isn't it?"

Davri had taken a sudden step back. "I... I'll let the two of you discuss this amongst yourselves." Then he hurried off into the shadows.

Corrian had just sighed. In any other circumstance, Aspen would have never spoken the words, but just as Tenebrille had warned, the shadows played with everyone in the crypts. Only the two Dragonheirs seemed immune.

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