Chapter 9 - Nemi

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The Black Hole, The Barren, Umbrassé

26th Year of the Ocean

Fifth Moon

If any passer-by saw the Shadow Dragon sat in the street outside The Black Hole, they gave no indication of it. But they also gave no indication of seeing Nemi – no casual hellos, no muttered ilias, no wolf whistles – so she assumed they couldn't see her either. She knew Tenebrille of the Shadows could bend light to make things unseen, just as he did with their whole country, but there was something strange about having his power focused only on her.

Truthfully, Tenebrille was beautiful – particularly in the daylight. His scales, at first glance, were black, but in the light, they shimmered blue, pink, purple, orange. The crystals set between them did the same – just as the crystal on Kylan's cheekbone did.

But Tenebrille was also big – did he not notice that there was barely a metre between his left wing, though it was folded tight against his body, and the window of the tailor across the street? Was it not uncomfortable to have his right wing folded awkwardly against The Black Hole's roof? Was it not annoying that he kept having to move his tail around the almost-metre gap beside him so people didn't step on or trip over it as they passed? Had he even thought this through before he came?

She pushed herself off from the doorframe of The Black Hole, her arms folded, and approached the Shadow Dragon. She knew she should probably bow or curtsey, or show some form of respect, but all she ended up saying was, "So, you make house calls now?"

Could dragons chuckle? Because she could've sworn that was what Tenebrille of the Shadows did in response. Had he ever chuckled at Kylan? Was this the first time he'd chuckled in over two-hundred years?

Only to those important to Kylan.

The words reverberated through her brain, echoing in an empty space she'd never known was there. The sun was hot on the back of her neck, but it didn't stop a shiver running down her spine as Tenebrille spoke to her.

"That boy has a knack for making everyone do as he wants," she grumbled, "well," she added, thinking of that bastard Fehey, of that fool Nequami, "almost everyone."

I protect Kylan Halif's family because he made me promise—

"Oh, I know about the whole promise thing," Nemi rolled her eyes, "and – excuse me for saying it, but – you're a fool for agreeing to it. I love Kylan's family just as much as he does – stars, his mother practically raised me – but in Kylan's position, and for Umbrassé's safety, is his life not worth more than theirs? Would you throw away a second Dragonheir like that?"

Nemi's blood ran cold as she noticed the Shadow Dragon stiffen. One day, she thought, one day I'll be able to keep my mouth shut.

But all Tenebrille said was, What do you know of my first Dragonheir, Nemi Kalluh?

"Not much," she admitted, "they died, you mourned for two-hundred years, you chose Kylan, now you're back."

It was a hunch – one she'd told Kylan in a huff only days ago – but something that flashed in Tenebrille's eyes told her it was more than that. And she must've said something right, because the tension fell from the dragon's muscles.

I will not fail Kylan and the Halifs as I failed two-hundred years ago. He murmured.

Nemi sighed, glancing up and down the street. "For someone who cares about his family so much," she grumbled, "you'd think Kylan would be here to make sure they arrive safely."

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