Chapter Thirty Three

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Dedication: Actor2000 for voting so much and commenting.

PHOTO OF CHASE ON THE SIDE. --------->>>>>

Song: Fix you - Coldplay.

Okays that's it. Read on! :)


I did a double take.


Was God trying to punish me or something?

I must have done something bad in another life...

"Hey!" He grinned at me, his smile so wide it showed me two rows off perfectly straight, white teeth. I almost visibly shuddered away, because he was just too cheery right now. I rolled my tongue across my teeth. His smile just seemed to grow.

I gritted my teeth together in irritation. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for dinner!"

I opened my mouth to bark back a retort, but was pulled up short when a tall, tan lady materialised beside him. She had rosy red cheeks and curly blonde hair. Following her, another tanned man with blonde hair, eerily alike to Chase, appeared.

They were a really pretty family...

"Hi there!" the lady beamed, smiling, causing her cherry, red coated lips to stretch across her face. I forced my own small smile. "I'm Julie, this is Andrew and Chase. Emma, is it?"

All I could do was nod, my eyes still wide in shock.

"Nice to meet you Emma."

"Y-you too." I choked out, my teeth still ground together.

"Actually Mum, Emma and I are best friends." Chase beamed, coming over and standing by my side. "She showed me around school."

She arched an eyebrow, smirking, looking between us two. Her face was like an open book. She obviously thought something was going on between us.

That was so not the case!

"Oh? I see. Well that's nice you two already know each other."

"Yeah, isn't it?" Chase replied, positively beaming. He stepped closer to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

I shrugged it off instantly and stepped back. "Would you like to come in?"

"Most certainly." The man spoke formally. He made a gesture with his hand, like a pure gentleman. I almost smiled again. "After you, Julie."

She smiled warmly as she passed, Andrew trailing behind her. Dad chose to save me then and began speaking to the two. Unfortunately, Chase lingered behind. I ignored the fact by turning and storming away.

"Emma, wait!" Chase called out. I heard him jogging behind me, but I didn't care. 

I strode into my room and shut the door. I began pacing, wringing out my hair in frustration. I was feeling sick and I didn't want to deal with this tonight.

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