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Lewis and Shane sat on the adjacent couch to the girls, watching in slight confusion as the pair fawned over the gifts that were being taken into the Adams' household

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Lewis and Shane sat on the adjacent couch to the girls, watching in slight confusion as the pair fawned over the gifts that were being taken into the Adams' household. Cleo's nose had long since cleared up and for the past half hour, the two women had been talking non-stop. Lewis couldn't quite work out how two strangers had clicked together so easily. 

He and Shane were sitting as far away from contact as they possibly could. 

As much as it was a puzzle for Lewis, Shane had already worked it out. The two girls' pasts slotted together in order to create everything that they had been missing. It had nothing to do with personality or interests but everything to do with the illusion of childhood, adulthood and the blurred lines in between.

A person is forever a child, no matter the number of years. For as long as a child has a mother there is someone to dry their tears. 

It is only when a mother is absent that a child is forced to grow. This is the reason that motherless children are the more mature. For, without a mother, a child becomes an adult.

The same works in reverse. A child is what makes a mother mature, what makes the mother begin to care for and understand the gift of life. Losing the child is the equivalent of losing that understanding. The subtraction of that understanding causes the loss of grip on a world that appears to have no mercy. This loss of grip leads to the falling out of adulthood, back into the confusion of a child.

Deep down Shane knew that that was the true explanation for the instant connection between the two girls.

In each other, they saw something that they needed. 

A mother.

A daughter.

Someone to care for her.

Someone to care for.

One forced to grow up too fast and one forced down into the barriers of childhood.

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