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Shane = Bold

Cleo = Italics

Cleo = Italics

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"Super-girl are you alright?"

"No. No I am not alright."

"Why not? Are you still hurt? What am I talking about? Of course you're not. You got hit on the side of the head with a beer bottle for Christ's sake. I'm surprised you can even speak, let alone tell me if you're alright. Super-girl I know you said that you don't like hospitals and all but your head was bleeding. Bleeding. I seriously think that you should reconsider that stateme-"

"I was actually going to say because you woke me up before seven 'o clock but now that you mention it that small detail may have contributed to the large headache I have right now. How did you know that I got hit on the side of the head with a bottle?"

"I...well...um...you see...I j- I was- damn. Your cousin he...uh."

"Lost  Boy, do you have brown eyes by any chance?"

"Yes...wait. Hang on a second. No. Nope. No brown eyes at all. My eyes are purple. Full on purple. You know, like lavender? Yup, that kind of purple."

"Lost Boy." 


"Unless you permanently wear contact lenses having purple eyes is impossible."

"I have brown eyes."


"Look, your cousin told me you were in trouble and I guess...I just...I just panicked. Okay. Okay? I just- I don't know. I thought about what you told me about valuing life and I just...I just couldn't stand the thought of you hurt when you tried so hard to stop me from hurting myself. I...I just felt...I felt guilty at the thought of you hurt even though it wouldn't have been me doing the harm. I...I sped off to find you with nothing but a picture of you that your cousin had sent me and a...a medical kit just in case."

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