1 7 | d a y s | l e f t - 1 1 : 5 8 - A M

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1 1 : 5 8 | A M

Shane = Bold

Cleo = Italics

1 1 : 5 8 | A M

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1 1 : 5 8 | A M

"No way." Cleo somehow managed to splutter out two comprehensible words through her seemingly endless fits of laughter. All it had taken was one glance at both Lost Boy's expression and the item of clothing that he was shamelessly displaying in front of him on a worn hanger in the middle of the store.

He continued to grin at her, holding out the garment  for her to take. "Come on Super-girl; it's not that bad."  No matter what he said to calm her blushing cheeks the mischievous glint in his eyes told her that there was nothing about this that could possibly be good. At all. "At least try it on."

She continued to eye the material dubiously in a way that a person might eye a spider.

It was then that something else on the clothing rack caught her eye. Instantly her concerned expression transformed into one of glee. Lost Boy's eyes widened a fraction, features draining of color as he seemed to catch onto her line of thought.

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