Chapter Zero • Prologue

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It had been couple centuries well since the Councilmen of Greyston had gathered. With all the latest technology and such, the people could handle their struggles without their help. However, with time came new thoughts. Thoughts that were earnestly discussed this day.

In total, there were 17 elders in total. 7 high ranking ones, 9 of lower ranks and 1 of the highest order. They each took care of a different matter and all information was sent to the highest order to review Greyston's finest problems and needs. At most, the only problem that surfaced was money, the people needing more pay and such to cope. Sometimes there were break-ins and the people reported to their Minister of Protection that they needed higher security. But that was about it.

Today, however, the gathering had been formed in the Oak Tree, as they called it. The Oak Tree was a building located at the head of Greyston City, Lyrexius, Arda Nova and the name derived from the term, Wise Oak. The room was made mostly from wood and had intricate designs carved into the walls. The high ceiling unveiled a story that not many knew, at least not many knew its true story. The Tale of the Gods.

At the center of the room was a long mahogany table with 16 small chairs aligning the sides. At the head of the table, a throne-like chair sat in all its glory and magnificence. Each Minister was in his own chair and the high order at the table's head.

"It's been centuries since a meeting was last called. Several elections have taken place and we still have not had a meeting. So to what do we all owe this esteemed invitation?"

"You're has been centuries," the High Order began. "But you know what we haven't encountered in a long while since our ancestors last fought?"

Immediately, the Councilmen knew what this meeting entailed.

"The Omega, Master of Crimson Flames," the Minister of the Order of Protection answered.

"The last document states that the power was split into two. That grants a benefit and a problem," the High Order said.

The Minister of Finance snapped to look at the High Order. "The benefit?"

"The Omega's power is limited and split into half making them weaker," the High Order responded.

"And the problem?" asked the Minister of Economics.

"We no longer have to kill one, we have to kill two. That means that if they find each other before we find them, the end of this age will come far quicker than the last. Especially if the previous Omega chose the right two people. And we all know just how smart Amaros was, even for someone who was not of a Great Family, he was stronger than all of the Great Family heads combined," the High Order's tone was of reminiscence. It was true indeed. Even the Larvals couldn't take Amaros down. It was a mystery just who Amaros passed the power to. Because if he chose two people who will be equally strong without the power over crimson fire, this world will end and so will they.

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