Chapter Six • The Mission- Breach

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Nyro Slevon III

"He did a B-rank assassination mission and retrieved a hostage in 15 minutes while his telepod went off course. What the living hell is this kid?" Nyro grumbled on his bed beside his sister who was tentatively listening.

"Well for starters, you have skill rings and you have special weapons like his Axan. So he could've used either one to win," she said.

"His brother told him not to use his ring. And according to Instructor Sergio, he didn't. So that meant he had the Axan only. And I doubt he has the Destructum or Ultima which could beat the high-level monster summons that he ordered. So just how skilled is he?" Nyro murmured.

"Keep an eye on him, Nee. Know him better. If you two become friends then you would be way better off than if you were enemies," René advised.

"I will never be friends with that guy. He's a narcissistic, arrogant, cocky prick and until the day I kick his ass, we will never be cool," he frowned while saying this.

"In a way you two are the same," his sister said without much thought.

"WHAT?!" Nyro asked.

"Nothing!" his sister said surrendering.

Nyro got up.

"Well the teammates I'll be working with should be announced today so I should get to class," Nyro said getting up. He was already dressed in his uniform so as he walked out of his room he had no worries about attire.

He arrived at school leisurely and entered Mr. Venison's class.

After waiting for the others to entire, he begun the lesson.

"Today we will be discussing Team Management and Team Building. Now for all of you who think that going on missions can be a one-man squad kinda thing you are wrong. You see, going on missions require certain people who can fill out the necessary roles. Vann, since your brother is the Chief Officer of the Protection Unit, he has thoroughly explained this has he not?" Mr. Venison asked.

"Yes he has," Vann said.

"Come up here and give a few points on the matter while I ready up the projection that will aid us in today's class," Mr. Venison said.

Projectors stopped projecting images against surfaces. With the new technology that was being built, humanity already discovered how to create a full three dimensional presentation. Because of this there was a large circle in the middle of the class and chairs were aligned around it. The projection would be casted against it and high enough for everyone to see it.

Vann approached the front of the class.

"Okay then sir. For starters, there are four modes of battle that one must consider before engaging missions. As I work alone most of the times, the missions I do require only one of these modes and can be executed by any amount of persons. These four modes are: short-range combat, mid-range combat, long-range combat and finally the non-battle participants. When building a team, one must consider these in order to know which class goes where. Essentially there are more classes that one can count so the basic ones are like soldiers, which are short-ranged, spearmen, short to mid-ranged, gunners, definitely long-ranged and medics, a non-battle participant," Vann explained.

"Wow that was rather simple although you covered everything for the introduction of the topic. You'll be aiding me in this topic's classes Vann. Guys you'll need to listen to Vann for I, for one, will not be repeating this," Mr. Venison said. Some people groaned but complied.

"I'll help out sir," Vann said.

The projection came up showing several people with floating words around them.

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