Part 22

702 21 3

Trigger Warnings - Self Harm, Overdose, Suicide

I don't have to deal with it all if I don't want to. I could make it all stop right now. And why shouldn't I. I wiped tears I didn't know were there and thought about the reasons I should. I make dad stressed, no one at school cares, Sams life would be easier without it being the Ella show, and I'm doing bad in school anyway. It's never gonna get better at this point, why should I wait it out.
I walked into the bathroom, and opened the cabinet. I grabbed whatever bottles I could find. My anti depressants and anti anxiety. Dad's anti anxiety. Cough syrup from when Dad was sick, the pain killers Dad left in there. I cleared the cabinet. I opened on of the drawers, and grabbed one of dad's clean razor blades. I stepped back into my room and shut the door behind me.
"Ella Faith!" Dad yelled.
"What." I replied, trying to make sure my voice wouldn't crack.
"What are you doing!"
"Watching a movie!" I lied.
"Okay! Text me when you want dinner."
"I will." I paused a moment. "I love you!"
"I love you too, El!" He called back.
I sat down on one of my bean bag chairs, I debated on wether or not I wanted to cut. I wouldn't want to make a mess of my room. I didn't want to mess it up just because I was about to die.
I took one last look around my room, making sure it was completely clean and everything was in place. I checked one last time that my notes were on the desk.
I took in a breath, and pressed the razor against my skin. Just enough for it to hardly break skin. I ran the class over my skin until it was numb to anything I did.
I undid the lids to all the bottles, still shaking. I took mine first, downing what was left of each bottle, so about 3/4 of it. I chased it down with the bottle of cough syrup, knowing that it would probably do the least. I took Alex's anti anxiety next. Then the painkillers.
I felt better. It was finally ending. I drew the razor along my skin a few more times. It was difficult though, I was so shaky, and still crying, plus I could feel my consciousness going out.
Goodbye world.

"Ella?" I asked, knocking on her bedroom door. I told her to text me for dinner almost two hours ago. "Ella Faith." I knocked harder and tried to open the door. It was locked. "Ella! Come on."
I went downstairs and got the key to unlock all the doors, and ran upstairs.
When I opened her door, I wanted to fall down and cry at the sight I saw. Ella's arms, and shirt and everything, was drenched in blood. A dirty razor was next to her, and about four bottles of empty medicine bottles.
"Ella! El! Come here." I ran over and hugged her, I took off my flannel and wrapped it around her arms.
I can't cry right now, it's not helpful.
"Sam!" I shouted, I could hear my own crying, even if I didn't want to. "Sam! Call, call, fucking 911! Sam!"
He finally ran in and pulled out his phone, calling them.
"Ella. Princess come on." I shook her shoulders a little bit, and pulled her close, hugging her tight. I pulled out my phone, and called Jack.
"Jack you need to come home. Right now."
"I'm booking a flight what the hell happened." He asked, and I heard the clicking of his laptop.
"Ella tried to," That's when I broke down. I was screaming and crying and holding Ella. I couldn't stop. "Just come home. And can you tell Rian and Zack to, too?"
"Yeah, yeah. I will. Love you, man." He hung up, and I was alone again. Well Sam was there, but it wasn't the same.
I heard the sirens outside and quickly picked myself up, wiping my face.
Sam opened the front door and people were running upstairs, someone pulled me aside.
"Is this your daughter?" They asked and I nodded. "Ok, well we need her birthday, age, and full name."
"Yeah, um, her birthday is June 11th, she's 14, and her full name is Ella Faith Gaskarth."
"Thank you, were gonna do everything we can. In the mean time I would recommend grabbing anything you think you might need for yourself."
I nodded, and went to my room, packing an overnight bag while they cleared out Ella and whatever. I went into Sams room next.
"Sam, bud?" I asked, gently before opening his door.
He was crying on the floor, shaking a lot. "Hey it's okay." I sat next to him and hugged him, starting to cry myself.
"It's not fair."
"I know, pack an overnight bag okay? I have to go get stuff for Ella."
"Alex," Sam started, "There's no way she lived."
"I have to pack a bag for Ella." I stated again, going into her room.
I grabbed her bear first. She still had the bear I gave her on her bed, I hugged it. I ran my hands on all her furniture, until I landed on her desk. A pile of envelopes. I picked them up, until someone knocked on the door.
"Mr. Gaskarth? If you're riding in the ambulance, we have to go now."
Comment on the previous chapter with questions for the characters/people.

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