Part 4

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"Jack stop." I laughed. I had just woken up, and it was ten in the morning. Jack was chasing me around the house.
"Never!" He yelled dramatically. 
"Alex!" I ran down the upstairs hallway, and started knocking on Alex's door.
"Come in?" He replied confused.
I ran in and jumped on his bed, then hid behind him.
"HA HA!" I shouted at Jack as he walked in.
"Whatever." Jack mumbled, jokingly rolling his eyes. "What are we doing today Alex?" He asked, sitting on the bed.
"It's supposed to rain, I don't know." He said quietly.
"Are you okay?" Jack asked, "You're being quiet."
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Tired." Alex replied and Jack nodded slowly.
"Ok." Jack said. "Wanna watch movies today?"
"Sure." Alex shrugged. "Is that okay, Ella?"
"Yeah." I rolled off the bed and onto the couch that was positioned in front of the bed.
"Cool, I'll go order more food than we can eat and get Zack and Rian ?" Alex nodded at Jack, who then ran out of the room.
"Did you pack for tour yet, princess?" Alex asked, turning to me.
"Princess?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah, my Princess Ella." He laughed at himself. "So did you pack or not."
"I did." I said, "Jack gave me an extra suitcase to use."
"Kay." He smiled, pulling out his phone.
"What'cha doing?" I asked as he aimed the camera at me.
"Taking your picture." He said, obviously.
I covered my face immediately, "Why?" I laughed.
I climbed onto the bed as he began to type something onto some social media.
"movie day with Princess Ella Faith :)"
"I look gross in those!" I yelled.
"Don't say that." He gently slapped my shoulder.
"Fine." I rolled my eyes as Alex refreshed the picture. "Where'd you get my middle name from anyway?"
"Child." Alex said looking up. "I had to sign papers stating your full name, and stuff like that. Then I had to re write your name on your birth certificate."
"Oh, yeah." I laughed at myself.
"I ordered hella Chinese food, sushi, and pizza." Jack yelled walking in with Zack and Rian.
"I ordered the Sushi." Zack added.
"I ordered Chinese." Rian yelled.
"Yeah I figured Jack didn't order everything in 5 minutes by himself." Alex joked.
"What movies." Jack ignored what they had been talking about and turned on Alex's TV.
"Old Disney shit?" Rian suggested. "I don't know."
"No. But it has to be the really shitty ones, like the ones that come on at 4 am." Alex laughed, as he took the remote and opened Netflix.
"Star struck?" Zack shrugged as we scrolled the Disney movies.
"Sure." Alex said and clicked on it.
The food arrived slowly. First the pizza, then Chinese, then sushi. This is crazy there's like four boxes of large pizzas. Like 6 orders of Chinese foods, 3 chicken and broccoli and 3 shrimp and broccoli. Along with random soups. Then 5 boxes of sushi. Not to mention whatever breadsticks or desserts Jack got from the pizza place.
"Wow." I laughed, eating one of the Chinese food orders.
"That movie was kinda awful but I kinda liked it." Alex rose an eyebrow as he exited out of Starstruck, and switched to a movie called Frienemies.
"Alex!" Jack yelled, and Alex quickly turned around.
Jack started beating up Alex with a breadstick as Alex ate pizza.
Zack and Rian almost spit out their sushi laughing.
This has been one of the best days ever.
Kinda a filler because I have all these bad ideas for when tour starts but I needed a chapter off tour. This makes no sense I'm tired kill me please.

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