Part 23

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Dear Dad,
I'm sorry I didn't tell you that it was getting bad. But my grades are bad, and people are bad, and I didn't want to bother you any more than I already have. But thank you, so much, for everything you've done for me. For Christmas, and my birthday. All the love you've given me. I loved it when you would just hug me when something bad happens. I'm sorry for all the times I made you feel stressed, or anything. Thank you for giving me nicknames and laughs. For all the times we would watch movies and you would throw me on the couch. For holding me during panic attacks and bad times. Thank you for all the music you showed me, you watched my music taste and influenced it so much. I loved you guys and Panic!, and Mayday Parade, and pop music. Oh and thank you for all the good times. I won't forget the good times. I promise. I don't wanna leave this town, or the people or you guys but everything else hurts so bad. I love you so much, daddy. Thank you for everything. I know that's like the 5th time I've said it but you've done so much for me. I loved that All Time Low bear you got me, it helped me when you weren't there. I never told you that. I love you. Don't forget me, Promise?
Princess Ella Faith.

Thank you for helping me. I'm so happy I had you to tell things to, when I couldn't tell dad. Or even if I did tell dad you gave advice that wasn't dad like, and I'm glad I had you. Thank you for all the cool movies you showed me. I loved watching movies with you. And thanks for taking care of my dog. Please take care of dad for me Okay? Don't let him do anything dumb get because I can't deal with myself. I love you.

I loved you, but at the same time you were like my brother. No matter what you were, thank you for being there for me. Don't feel bad you didn't notice, the only reason you didn't notice is because I didn't tell you. Please take care of yourself. I love you, Sammy

We didn't talk much, but you were still there for me and I'm very thankful for you. I'm thankful for all the time we spent taking pictures together on tour, and singing random songs. Thank you for showing me photography, and letting me hang out with you in Hawaii. That was the best. Take care of everyone please. You've always been the best at taking care of people. I love you

Thank you for teaching me about life. And how to deal with people. Thank you for being there and not being as crazy as dad and Jack could be sometimes. Thanks for that time you tried to teach me drums. I wasn't good but you never gave up on me. Make sure dad does okay, please. Thank you. I love you.

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