Sirius, January 3rd, 1982

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Happy New Year, I guess.

It's alone here. I know I could leave at any moment. But somehow it feels like my fault.

Why am I still writing. I shouldn't be writing.

I've slept more, much more than usual. And with sleep comes dreams. They're all about you and I. If it had been better.

I've felt nothing but apathy recently. And that's worse than sadness because I'm starting to not feel human.

I see why people finally let themselves die. But I'm going to stay here, no matter how much it hurts. Voldemort's dead, I'm assuming Harry's with you, and I'd just be thrown back in Azkaban as quick as a snitch.

I guess its best this way. 

I bet you don't care. You probably would tear this up when and if you see this. 

I was going to propose to you. Sometime in November. I had it all planned out and everything. We'd go to that bookstore you love in Diagon Alley, and I'd buy you a butterbeer and then, I'd take you out for dinner and give you the ring. It was a beautiful ring. It's good as gone now.



It's been five years, give or take.

Remus never visited. I guess he did think it was my fault.

It is, after all.

I looked at the pile of letters in the corner of my room. There was at least a hundred, written throughout the years.

And, as if at least a hope that I could get them out, I picked them up, and dropped them, one by one, outside the window and into the night sky. Some fluttered on the wind for miles, others fell straight down and into the sea. Each and every one of them fell down. I looked at my moon tattoo. It was a full moon tonight.

I hope you're doing well, Remus.

And that's a wrap! This book's probably 1000 words at most because of how short I made the chapters. Its hard to write letters, let alone when you don't have anything to respond to! But I hoped you liked it.

First Christmas Without You- Wolfstar Short Story (Universe Alterations)Where stories live. Discover now