Remus, December 24th, 1981

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It's almost Christmas.

I've had help recovering. My mother set me up with a muggle therapist, and it's been gettibg neither better nor worse.

I just want to see you again, even for a moment. I see you when I close my eyes. I see your eyes whenever I look at the gray snowy skies. I would give anything to see you again.

I had a dream earlier today. You and I were decorating the tree, with James and Lily and Harry. Nothing had happened. We were happy, smiling, in a happiness that I could only hope to hang on to.

I remember last Christmas like yesterday. I had taken you out for butterbeer at The Three Broomstick, where we exchanged gifts. All was well then. I still remember the wizard Christmas music knockoffs playing and the glimmer of lights.

I tried to produce a Patronus, like I used to whenever I was down. It didn't work, because all my happy memories are covered in a layer of regret and longing.

I love you so much, and now you're gone, James and Lily are gone, and my entire life is falling apart at the touch.

But the worst part is that that you're gone, it's the fact that you've got the lower hand here and now you're stuck in hell and I'm just here taking one dementor and you're taking a thousand.

Why did it have to be you.

I'd easily take your place.

I've tried.

But I'm just here.

Merry Christmas, Sirius.

It's silly to believe in Christmas miracles, but part of me is hoping that you'll appear and it would have all been a dream.

But I do.

First Christmas Without You- Wolfstar Short Story (Universe Alterations)Where stories live. Discover now