Remus, November 22, 1981

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It's lonely without you here. That's the best way to say it. Because isolation is the key to the door of darkness.

I sound selfish. You have it much worse.

I've tried to get out of the house, but whenever I leave, I'm too overrun with memories, and break down.

The walls look plain. I repainted all of them. It hurts to look at all the beautiful murals you had up there. I'm sorry, but they made me too heartbroken. I did keep the ones in our room, though. The one of the four of us in the Gryffindor common room.

I never imagined then that today, one of us is dead and the other is dead to us.

The full moon was harder without you. I have larger scars than normal, one huge one tracing from my upper left chest all the way down to my stomach. But you didn't get hurt. By me at least.

I can't close my eyes without seeing your beauty. I want just to see you so badly.

I hope this gets through to you. I doubt it.

Please don't lose faith. I'm trying to get in, trying to tell them that you are innocent.

They don't believe me.

I miss everything about you.

You don't deserve this. Whatever is bad for me is probably exponentially worse for you.

I love you.

~Remus Lupin

I heard the quill hit the parchment, spilling ink all over my signature. And I looked at the many, many blurred words because of the tear stains that plagued the paper. And I know that he has it worse. But why is this so hard, then?

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