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Meredith: Hey everybody! We are back. And since this maybe technically counts as a two parter, I have decided to skip the recap and jump on in! Now, we were just about to start our second game... An Uncertain Amount of Minutes in Hell!

Light: Oh no... Please, no...

Near: *no longer a baby* I second that.

Meredith: Basically, I choose the person you hate most, and you have to enter a cramped closet. If you open the door and escape, you loose. And here's the twist... There is no time limit! This could go on for hours, days.... Even months. So, try and get the person leave first. 

Mello: I would like to express that, in truth, I really do enjoy the presence of Near, so pairing us up would make no sense!

Near: Oh really?

Meredith: Right... Well, the pairs are, Misa and Light, Matsuda and L, and despite that pathetic performance, Near and Mello.

Mello: NoOoOoOoOoOOOOooo...

Matsuda: Well we certainly got off easy!

L: Yeeeeah...

Light: Meredith, if you put me in a closet with Misa, I doubt I'll get out alive.

Misa: 😤😤😤

Meredith: if it gets dangerous, just leave.

Light: Ehh... But then I'd loose...

Near: Typical Kira. Unable to stomach a loss, even when his own life hangs in the balance.

Light: Haha, Near. You know, name calling is a sign of insecurity.

Near: So is a god complex. And referring to you by your accepted alias isn't name calling. Or have you finally admitted that what Misa stands for is murder and fear?

Light: Ahem, justice...

L: No, that would be me.

Misa: Hmph! I doubt anyone that vain could be insecure.

Light: Give me a break!

Mello: *trying to pry open window*

Meredith: You know, Mello, not participating technically counts as forfeit. Also known as, loosing to Near.

Mello: *freezes*

Meredith: Alright, then! Into the closets! 

-In Matsuda and L's closet-

Matsuda: Whew! It's a little cramped in here, but we'll be fine! And dark, too. Ha ha, oh well. You know, I never mentioned this, but I used to have a crippling fear of the dark. I guess that's common in kids, though. There's a name for that... Something phobia. Though, I guess they're all a phohia, huh? I think that might be Latin for fear. I know it means fear, but Latin is just a guess... A lot of root words and stuff comes from Latin, huh? Root words... Funny expression, huh? Reminds me of potatoes. I love potatoes! Baked, mashed, in a hash... You would think that I'm Irish, or something! Ha ha. Or Scottish. Do Scottish people like potatoes too? Or is it all just a stereotype? Man, I hate stereotypes. Don't you think... Blah blah blah blah blah blah....

L: 😧

-In Mello and Near's closet-


Near: I can't help it, it's a tiny space. If you don't like it, leave.

Mello: Never. I'll resort to cannibalism before I let you win! *eats chocolate*

Near: Hmm... *grabs chocolate, shoves in mouth*

Mello: What... HOW DARE YOU!? *tackles, stuffs hand in mouth* GIVE IT BACK THIS INSTANT

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