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Another step through his forest, the deep tanned skin boots knew every leaf, twig and shrub for miles. He’d never understood why men lived in towns, Calem had always preferred the outdoors to the over crowded streets. In this forest he could be at ease, every creature here new him well. Being a druid was a way of living for him, the power swirling in Calem’s body was connected to the earth itself. Two lay lines were formed, running across the earth’s core. These lay lines are what gave Calem the power in which to control Earth, Air, and Fire.

Maintaining the balance was his job, ensuring that everything was even through his forest took priory. Not a stone was to be unturned without his knowledge, paths in which villagers traveled were watched closely. He wasn’t a hermit, Calem just preferred to be in the company of Mother Nature. As long as the local towns people kept to his rules, he wouldn’t see to bothering them.

The war started by the Roman Empire was nothing anyone hadn’t heard of, they spread like locus, killing and eating everything in their wake. Calem kept a close eye on their solders that passed through small town, never bothering to cause the villagers much trouble. As long as they kept it that way, he wouldn’t see to showing his face. The leaders were strong minded men, who set in their ways of having the very best of the lands offerings. Mining for precious stones, metals and other wholesome goods were nothing short of supple to the Roman army.

Farms were plundering in order to feed the millions of men fighting for another’s cause, leaving woman and children out to starve for the winter to come. Any man who dare try to stop them, faced certain death. It was their rules, no one else’s. Calem found that a large army was headed straight for the town not too far from his lands, this was anything but welcoming. Other news of a sorceress was amongst the large gathering of armed men, she’d been taken captive for a high ranking leader. But her soul purpose was to defend the Romans from witches, Warlocks and Druids alike.

Calem was certain she posed a threat to him, so in order to prevent her from sneaking up on him, Calem went to her. He’d been through many battles, all of which were full of suffering. The carnage after the battles took its toll on the lands, taking years for the trees, birds and even the rivers to heal. Blood stained the ground even after a thick snow fall, it did nothing to calm his furry. A man of little, Calem wanted nothing more than to be at ease.

Resting against the hard bark of a river oak his eyes scanned the surrounding area, it would be dusk soon a good a time as any to pay the woman a visit. She’d be in the largest of tents, seeing as how she was a valuable possession. Unlike some of his brethren, Calem did not carry a staff nor a wand as being of little use to a man like him. Perfecting his skills had been a daily part of his life style, so good at conducting the lines in himself, Calem could simply look at an object willing it to do as he pleased.

Soldiers moved around the camp, lifting fires roasting mean from his woodlands. Most of his animals had scattered to the far corners of the woods, keeping as far away from the solders as possible. Deer skins covered his lower have, small pouches hung off his left hip carrying anything from jerky to herbs. Chest bare he needed not to worry of cold, the fire in the line was more than sufficient to keep him comfortable. The only real purpose for the deer skins, was to humor the villagers. More than on a few occasions a woman would become lost, her wondering feet finding him.

It had startled a few if not all the innocent farm daughters, causing an uproar when they returned to tell tales of the bare naked man who had saved them. The village elder had asked he keep himself decent for virgin eyes, Calem had only complied because of their loyalty towards his forest. Never taking more then what was needed to live, while using every part of the animal they had taken. It truth it had cracked a smile over his hard lips, the mere thought of those women’s cheeks brightening as they drank in his form, was perfection. Their men weren’t built the way he was, toned to the max, muscles formed over other muscles giving the impression he was not of this world.

Reality was far from their minds when they blankly started, making sure their eyes never dragged to fast over his heaping six seven frame. Dark brown hair canvassed his head hanging a little over his ears, river blue eyes would be intense enough to hold you still. Not that he needed to hold anyone, alone his powers could take out this whole camp site only a mere yard away from him. Unbeknownst to the whole camp he was idly waiting for a good opening, Calem inspected everything. Listening to the clinking of armor as men walked, whispers of them talking of battle, woman and drinks.

War horses snorted, tied to posts stinging in the hard soil, a dog barked off in the distance. Smells of cooking meats, metals heating for horse shoeing burned his nostrils. Tapping his index finger over his forearm, Calem checked the skies seeing the dark clouds rolling in. Now would be a good time to enter camp, the storm that was brewing would capture most of the men’s attention, leaving room to slip through. One more look before he broke away from the cover of his forest, even with his powers, Calem didn’t want to be noticed just yet.

He wanted to see for himself if the woman was a threat, giving her the benefit of the doubt was a choice, not a gift. If she even so much as looked at him wrong, Calem would destroy her. Leaning against a pitched tent his head slowly looked around the corner, men sitting around a campfire soon looked upward to the rumbling skies. Darting past them Calem came to the largest of the tents, a low light from inside relayed three bodies. On further inspection he noticed none of which carried a sword, or looked bulky, her maids he thought. Flipping out a small blade Calem cut a larger enough opening at the back of tent for his frame to enter, it started a petite woman with long golden curls.

Her eyes had become as big as a horses hoof, frowning she looked ready to scream. Staring her down he sucked the air from her lungs, leaving her to pass out. It seemed the tent had two sections, the part he had entered looked to be her sleeping chamber. Bright colored pillows were randomly tossed all over the many furs, incense burned in a corner, killing his senses further.

    “Was that necessary Druid?” His moment of lack, cost him a surprise from the woman herself. Standing with her hands cupped in front, her dress black as night layered to the floor. Tan hides rounded her hips, tightening at the thin stream line waist, long gold chains sporting colored gems sparkled in the candle light. A rabbit skin draped over her shoulders, mostly covered with her light earth colored hair. It curled tightly in many strands, hanging to the middle of her back. Fur around her long sleeve cuffs, were cut giving you a show of the tightly worn black bracelets she owned.

The only skin showing was a slit between her breasts, giving Calem in impression she was all woman. Her head cocked to the side, watching him studying her. Smoky eye shadow made the deep brown eyes even richer, full rose petal lips were held with a light smirk. The heart of her face framed in more hair, was kissed with the suns lightest touch.

    “Tis was,” He answered, keeping his voice emotionless. Calem took a quick look at the blonde woman, before setting his gave on the sorcerers.

    “I do not speak of the woman,” She huffed, not bothering to look at the sprawled out blonde. Raising his brow in question, she rolled her eyes pointing a dainty finger behind him. Carefully he turned using one eye to see, the large flap of the tent he cut through was now allowing rain to enter her quarters. Calem cleared his throat, clearly she wasn’t pleased with sleeping wet.

    “Was the door not suitable for you then, Druid?” He heard the hint of amusement behind her anger, but brushed it aside. Turning on her heels she started back for the front of the tent, frowning Calem followed her with caution. Another woman with fire red hair was holding a bowl, her eyes snapped to him.

    “Hecate, see to Morgana would you. And do try to fix our quests entrance,” Waving her hand for the woman to leave, bowing her head she scurried off, not before eying Calem one last time. Sticking her hand out for him to sit, Calem walked in front of her keeping his stance. Shrugging she sat in a large chair, relaxing covered shoulders.

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