She's up to something

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"Yes Robyn, Justin is 'okay' but I still think you should take it easy"

I just looked at like she was dumb, did she not see how sweet he was towards me?

"We'll I should say the same thing to you" I snapped at her.

"Robyn don't take it the wrong way, I'm just trying to help"

"I don't need your help"

I know I'm acting a bit childish but I really think Justin has changed.

"Whatever lets just sleep I'm tired" Lauren said getting into my bed and falling asleep.

I couldn't sleep. I was up all night thinking about things like
'Is Lauren feelings about Justin right?'

'Did Justin change for real?'

'What about his friends and family? heck what about my friends and family'


It's was now Monday and I was walking through the halls to mr.rylans class. I haven't spoked to him in a while.

"Knock knock" I said while opening his classroom door seeing him at his desk grading papers

"Oh hey robyn, how have you been?"

"Ive been good I guess"

I remember last time I was in here I was a complete mess.

"So I heard you've been hanging with that justin kid lately" he said giving me a a stern look.

I looked at my feet then up at him

"Listen he's been really nice to me, and I uhh-"

"Robyn all I'm saying is to keep your guard up 24/7, I'm not saying don't trust him but I am saying is don't put yourself in a position to get hurt sweetie"

He was completely right

"Thank you mr.rylan"

I got up and walked to my locker seeing Lauren there.
I haven't seen her since Friday night after she spent the night with me. I owe her an apology

"I'm sorry for how I acted the other night"

"Don't apologize beautiful"
That's why I loved her she's so forgiving.

"Hey ladies"
We both turned to see jake standing there with a smile on his face

"Oh hey jake, how are you"

"Im good, how are you sweet thing"

I laughed and so did Lauren

"Your flirting skills is horrible"
Lauren said squeezing his cheek

He slapped her hand away

"Ahh whatever"

"Hey have you seen Justin?"
I asked looking around for justin.

"Oh yeah he's with Courtney and her whore friends"

I looked over at Lauren and she just shook her head.

"Okay I have to go find this girl, in trying to get laid after school bye beautiful and sweet thing" he said to me and Lauren and ran off.

"We'll Robyn lets not jump to conclusions, and speaking of the whore clique here they come" she said while putting her back pack down.

"We'll well well just who we was looking for" Courtney said walking up to me

"Back up off her" my best friend said

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