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So far every guy in Luke's band has agreed to help busk around the corner. Some of the acapella groups also agreed along with some of the jazz artists.

"Hey Maggie," I heard someone say. I turned to see Rachel. "I heard you were looking for people to help busk for the music video, I was wondering if I could do anything to help." That's one thing i loved about Rachel, she's always willing to help.

"Yes actually, can you help Clara pass out flyers around Lost and Found? She's in the Rose Room." Rachel smiled and nodded.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Hey Maggie," Leia said.

"Oh hey Leia," I replied. She was giving me the evil eye....again.

"So, do you care to explain to me, why Luke wants to talk to you privately in the lounge?" she asked. I shrugged. "I don't know, maybe it's about the music video." Leia forced a smile and walked away, her hands in fists.

I walk to the lounge and see Luke sitting nervously on the couch. His leg was shaking and he was staring intensely at the ground. "Luke?" He jumped as I said his name.

"Hey!" he said with a slight voice crack. I smiled and sat next to him.

"Hey is everything okay?" I asked. He shrugged, and explained.

"I feel like we're similar in many ways and I-uh-" Luke hesitated. "I-uh, I also moved away from home to come to lost and found and pursue a career with the band. But, I guess what I'm trying to ask is uh" Luke paused again.

"Luke, are you sure you're okay?" He stared at me for a few seconds, I felt uneasy about it. He quickly put his hands in mine and looked straight into my eyes.

"Maggie, I'm just going to be completely honest and say it." My heart started racing fast. I think I know where this is going.

"I really like you. Since the first day we met, we automatically clicked and I think your talented and beautiful. You have such a wonderful heart and it's what me attracted to you." I smiled and gave him a huge hug.

"I feel the same way," I said. He wrapped his arms around me tight. As we let each other go, the space between us was small. We both slowly leaned in.


Luke and I quickly lean away and sat with our legs away from each other. "Hey Leia," Luke said. "What do you want exactly?" Leia came in and sat between him and I.

"John is looking for you." Luke sighed and stood. "I'll see you later, bye Maggie." He smiled and waved. I could feel Leia's breathe on my neck. "You broke our Luke truce." I scowled. I was over with Leia and her stupid games.

"Leia, Luke is not a prize to be won. I never treated this 'truce' thing seriously because it should not be a competition. I talked to him like I would regularly, I'm helping him with the music video, all I did was be myself Leia. Stop trying to act like someone you're not, it's disappointing."

"Well, I liked him first! I've known him for years! It's not fair for you to waltz in here and automatically steal his heart," Leia shouted.

"Those are childish excuses! I didn't do anything Leia, I came to Lost and Found because I wanted to learn more about music industry. I wasn't expecting to fall in love okay?" I said.

"So you're in love with him?" I nodded without hesitation.

"Yeah I do, I would do anything for him," I replied. Leia stormed out of the room as Olivia walked in the room.

"Hey Maggie, some of us heard yelling in here. Is everything okay?" she asked. I nodded and cracked a smile. "Yeah, it's fine. Leia and I had another argument. I don't think I'll be practicing with the band for a while. I'll see you around."


I walk outside on the balcony to see John playing his guitar writing yet another song. "Oh hey Luke tell me what you think about this song:

Keeping all of my feelings inside, wondering, figuring out why

I can't share them with you

Some times my heart beats skips and I just can't control how I breathe

Thoughts in my head are spiraling out of control

People may call me crazy, I hope you don't think I'm crazy

But now that I'm prepared, I'm ready to say

Ever since we met my world has never been the same

I can't think straight when I'm with you

I see your beautiful eyes and I get lost in you

You're the only one who helps get through the day

You're the one who lifts me up, everyday.

So what do you think?" John asked. I smiled and patted his back. "It's amazing." I really liked John's song, but I really just wanted to see Maggie. After what happened in the lounge, I couldn't stop thinking about her. I wish Leia hadn't walked him, so I could kiss Maggie. I actually had the courage to lean in! "I'll catch up with you later John, I gotta meet Clara in the Rose Room," I lied.

I went downstairs to the main lobby of lost and found, I saw Leia clocking out of the building. "Leia, have you seen Maggie anywhere?" Leia ignored me and left. I turn and see Olivia. "Have you seen Maggie?"

"Yeah, but I don't think she wants to see anyone right now. She's kinda upset," Olivia explained. "Wait why?" I asked. "Her and Leia got into a fight."

"Where is Maggie, Olivia." She sighed and pointed upstairs. "She's in the studio."

"Thank you," I say. As I walked up the stairs and found the studio, I saw Maggie sitting on the couch writing in her notebook. "Maggie-"

"Luke, I really don't want to see you right now so please go-" I sat next to her right away. "You know I'm not leaving until I know what's going on." Maggie sighed. I already knew what she was going to say. As I walked out of the lounge earlier, Leia was with Maggie. I know Leia has had a crush on me forever, it was very obvious. "Just tell me what Leia said to you." Maggie looked back at me, more tears coming through eyes.

"All I know, is that I don't deserve you," she said wiping away her tears. She stood from the couch and started heading for the door. I quickly blocked her. It was heart breaking seeing her like this. "I love you okay? Nothing will every change my feelings for you. I don't care what other people say about us. You shouldn't either. Just ignore them all," I said pulling her into hug. We stayed like that until she calmed down. As soon as I let her go she let out a small smile. "I should go," she sniffled.
Before she could say anything else, I kissed her.  My heart was pounding, she kissed back instantly. This was probably the best moment every.

Lost in Love, Found in MusicWhere stories live. Discover now