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  I walk into Lost and Found studios, and suddenly I hear a lot of talking coming from down the hall. As I walk closer I find all of Lost and Found crowded around Mr. T. I wonder what he was going to say. "Today there will be a meeting in the rose room at two o'clock, it's an important announcement you don't want to miss." After Mr. T left, the room was filled with concerned Lost and Founders. I feel a tap on my shoulder," Eva, what's going on?" I turn and see John.

"Mr. T just announced that there's going to be an important meeting at two, but nobody knows why." John sighed. "The only reason he'd have an unexpected meeting, is because something bad has happened," I added. John nodded and agreed. I wonder what's happening.

I walk to the java junction and get myself some tea, and sit down on the wooden rustic table. I take out my notebook from my bag and my lap top, pull you my headphones and start editing my music and lyrics. The song was called "Hidden" and it was about me and how I felt when I was shy around everyone. When I wondered how people could make friends so easily and I couldn't. This song really meant a lot to me and I personally think it's one of my best tracks.

"Hey Eva-"

I jump out of fright and look in horror, to see Luke. "Oh, my goodness you scared me," I chuckled. Luke laughs and apologizes. "It's okay, so what's up?"

"Okay, I need advice on girl's and you're a girl." Luke was acting weird right now. I don't know what's going on but rumors have been going around saying that Luke, Leia, and Maggie have a love triangle and that Leia crashed Luke and Maggie's date.

"What do girls like?"he asked.

"Well it depends on the girl and what she's into." I replied.

"But that doesn't help," he whined. He sighed and it looked like he was starting to freak out a bit. "Okay, okay, well what does the girl you have in mind like? What are her hobbies?"

"Well, I guess I have to tell you if I want advice on her huh?" Luke asked.

"You don't have too, but it'd be helpful-"

"It's Maggie," he whispered. I chuckled and smiled. I knew right from the beginning something was happening between the two. "Alright, well she loves to play the guitar and she loves to sing, so I think you should get her something related to those things."

"Eva, I'm not getting her a whole new guitar-"

"That's not what I'm saying Luke," I replied. "I'm saying it can be related to it, for example, if she like books then get her a book mark or a book cover, or if she likes writing, get her a notebook or some new pens." Luke finally comes to the realization. "OOOHH! I GET IT NOW!" He stands and shouts. All eyes in java junction are on him. He freezes and sits back down, cheeks red as a cherry. I chuckle and he cracks a smile. "Now that you understand, what are you going to get for her?" I asked.

"Maybe some more guitar picks, or some stickers to add to her acoustic guitar, and maybe a music note keychain," he listed. I nodded, "there you go, that's what I'm talking about."

"Thank you so much Eva, and please don't tell anybody about me and you-know-who," he  sighed. "Of course," I chuckled. He waved and walked out of the Java Junction. As I was about to put my headphones on, I hear two hands slam against the table. There stood a very frightening Leia. "Hey Eva," she said in a sing-song high voice. "Hey-"

"So, are you doing anything tonight?" she asked.

"I was actually going to work on my solo pieces tonight-"

"How about you come with me to the mall?" Leia asked.

"Sorry but I need to work on this project-"

"Okay I'll just cut straight to the chase, what were you and Luke talking about?" Leia asked, her fist against he cheek.

"We were just talking about our year projects and the duet we're doing together," I lied. I promised Luke to not tell anyone about him and Maggie and I can clearly see why they wouldn't want anyone to know. "I have a feeling you're lying to me, how about I ask Luke myself?"

"Leia, is this really necessary?" I asked. Her eyes widened and she stood from her chair. I quickly follow behind her as she looks for Luke all over Lost and Found. "Leia, stop why do you wanna know so badly?" She sighed and looked back at me. "Cause I'm curious and I want to know."

"Leia you can't just bump into other people's business," I stated. She sighed, "I know, ugh god I'm so sorry-" She said walking away. I stood in the green room very confused. That's all it took?

I walk back to the Java Junction and continue to work on my music, hoping there wouldn't be anymore distractions.

"Eva!"I hear Isaac's voice.


Author's note:

I know this chapter is pretty short, but I really like Eva's character, sure she's shy but I feel like ever since she met Mary on the show, she's come out of her shell quite a bit and I thought it;d be fun to write about it. And sorry for all the recent mistakes I'm making with the names, I'm getting their friend's names mixed up with mine. Next chapter soon KP readers!! Stay tuned!

Until then! KP56 OUT!

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