Popular girl pt2

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The next day at school I really thought there were going to be a lot of teasing and bullying with me but it was as normal there wasn't any new shit,

"Dork!" One of the football players ran into me pushing me but I bump into other body and I pulled that person on top of me I groan feeling the pain,

I pick my head up and I'm starting into brown eyes "Camila?" I mumbled she pulled away from me and I sat up and everyone was laughing around me

"The geek has a boner" Zach yell, the hell? No I don't!

I stood up and quickly left, I can't believe out of everyone in school I fucking bumped into Camila.

I sat outside the school building I missed my third and fourth period class I could careless I'll just get extra homework for missing.

I still want to understand the look Camila gave me she looked I don't know grossed out or shocked I don't know I mean I did leave her house all freaked out that was kinda mean,

"Hey" I get out my thoughts and see the person speaking to me and it was Camila,

"Uh Hi" I mumbled about to get up and leave but she stopped me "don't leave I just want to talk to you" I sat back down and she took a seat beside me, we just sat there and she looked at me with a sad smile,

"I'm sorry I didn't stand up for you" she mumbled I was about to speak up but she stopped me again "and don't say I didn't have too because yes I did you are my friend and I let it happen" I looked down to my lap nodding well at least I know we're friends,

We sat in silence for a while and then I feel her lean her head on my shoulder "did you really not want to be around me yesterday" I frown not answering I felt like she was playing me maybe she still is but I don't know,

"I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable that wasn't what I trying to do I just wanted to be close to you" she mumbled and I felt my heart beating so fast what the hell?!

Camila's pov,
I felt her tense up a little and I smiled knowing I still had a little affect on her, Can she just look to me so I can a fool of myself and kiss her that's what I really want even if it's not right at the moment,

"Why?" I hear her ask and I picked my head up and she looked over to me "Why?" I asked and she nodded

"I don't know I just have this feeling that I want to hold you" she looked way with no expression on her face I was going to speak up again but she stood up

"if you're going to make a fool of me in front of the school just do it already" I stood up in shock and a little hurt does she really think that's what I'm trying to do

"What are you talking about I'm not trying to do any of that" she looked like she was getting frustrated with me and not believing what I was saying,

"That's a lie you never talked to me the past three years and now you want to be my friend that's bullshit" she added

"I know I haven't but I want to now" I walked up to her but she backed away and it hurt why won't she let me be her friend,

"You're just playing me" I shook my head finally close enough to grab a hold of her hands

"No I'm not, I'm sorry I came off a little strong yesterday but I wasn't trying to sleep with you and make a joke out of it okay" her face soften and I felt her trying to pull away from me but I held her hands tightly, am I really going to have to tell her my feeling for her to believe me..

"Y/n I just..." i got stuck but it seemed she kinda got what I was trying to say because she pulled me into her arms I sighed hugging her tightly, Oh my god it feels so good to be in her arms once again.

Your pov,
I don't know if Camila is telling me the truth or not but I really like her and we're about to start our break soon from school so I don't really care anymore if she plays me or not I'm just going to see where this goes...I guess,

The rest of the school day went pretty fine Camila never left my side and I felt a little like she was babying me but it was nice to actually have a half day of no one bullying me, I couldn't stop thinking about what Camila wanted to tell me I don't know if she really does like me or she was just putting an act up,

"Come over my place?" She asked and I just looked over to her after putting my books away "I won't try anything" she mumbled blushing hard

"Okay sure" I mumbled she smiled nodding after I got my books we headed to her house,

"My parents aren't home but my sister will be here soon so if you want you can start up your homework while I get Sofia and our lunch?"  I nodded she smiled quickly placing a kiss on my cheek and went to the kitchen I just blinked a few times turning to my bag she just kissed me..god her lips are soft.

~a little time jump~
It's been about two months now and my friendship with Camila has grown. After the three weeks of our friendship I started to believe her about really trying to be my friend so I let myself be her friend and now that we're friends I don't get bullied as much which is super great,

After a month of our friendship we became really comfortable with each other and she still slips a few flirts here and there which I don't mind but it was getting frustrating when we'll hang out and she'll be in booty shorts and on my lap to cuddle I usually went home with blue balls,

Now it's very weird I would say...we kissed..so yeah and I decided I'll ask her out because if we kissed and the feeling are there then why not and also I really would like to date her,

Camila pushed me onto her bed and took a seat on my lap bring her lips onto mine I placed my hands on her hips she smiled moving her lips to my neck "I just wanted to kiss you so bad all day" I chuckled moving my hands up her back

"Can we kiss in school please" she mumbled sitting up and staring at me "no i don't want to get bullied from all the guys that are obsessed with you" she rolled her eyes laying down beside me and wrapping her leg and arm around me

"I'll beat everyone's ass just to get a kiss from you at school" I laughed kissing her head "yeah as if your little short butt would kick someone" she smiled pecking my lips

"Date me" I smiled rolling on top of her "I asked you out already our date is in two days" she smiled wrapping her legs around my waist and stroking my cheek "I know I'm so excited" I chuckled leaning down to bring her into one more kiss

"I'm so glad You kissed me that night you stayed over" I rolled my eyes hearing her giggle

"I thought you were sleeping and I really wanted to feel your lips" she smirked blowing me a kiss

"Next you're going to think I'm sleeping and try to fuck me" I laughed in shock she really thinks im going to do that "no you freak I want you wide  awake when ever we start sex"

"Ooh so are we going to start soon" she bit her lip

"I don't know we'll see" she laughed pulling me into one more kiss.

"How ironic that the popular girl wanted to date the freak from the school" I added with a smile

"Stop you aren't a freak"

"I'm a girl with a dick" I mumbled sitting up and bring her up with me she smiled poking my stomach

"Everyone is different baby and you just happen to be a special kind of different" I smiled kissing her forehead

"You always seem to make me smile"

"That's my job" She bit her lip smiling.

A/n: not my best but no smut sadly and hope you enjoyed it also I was supposed to update yesterday but forgot so Happy New Years!!

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