The other Mendes pt2

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*Sorry for my grammar mistakes*

"I can't believe you didn't try and have sex with her!" Dinah yelled taking a seat on my bed

"Of course not Dinah she's still Shawn's girlfriend" I added taking out my history text book and note book out,

"If the girl I was madly in love with was in my bed with me I would've done something at least make out" I chuckled opening up to our homework,

"Well I couldn't and I wouldn't I respect my brothers relationship"

"Yeah whatever" Dinah mumbled taking her notebook out.
Dinah's pov,
"Hey babe could I ask you a question" I stood beside Normani at her locker

"Sure baby what's up?" I don't think Mani would tell me what Camila and the rest of the girls talk about but it's worth a try for my best friend,

"Has Camila ever talk about Y/n to you guys?" Normani dropped her text book making us both jump I bend down and got her text book,

"Uh why you ask?" Yes so that might be a yes!

"Just a random question"

"Does Y/n talk about Camila?" I raised a brow I asked the question first

"I asked first"

"Well I asked second" she closed her locker taking her text book back from me,

"I'll be taking that as a yes so what does she say about her?" I asked smiling

"I didn't say that" Mani giggled grabbing a hold of my hand I smiled once again placing a kiss on her cheek,

"Awe come on we both know Camila doesn't actually like Shawn" Mani pouted sighing after

"Okay yes, Y/n is all Camila talks about I feel kinda bad because well...she's dating her crushes brother" i was jumping in the inside for my best friend!

"Crush? Are you sure she isn't like in love with Y/n?"

"Probably for the way she talks about her, does Y/n like Camila?" Mani asked facing me

"Well yeah ever since she met her" Normani smiled and we got to her class

"We should do something for them" she added

"But what? Shawn is always around he's going to catch something's up when his girlfriend has plans then his sister who barley goes out has plans too" she hummed making that adorable thinking face

"We'll think of something" I nodded then the late bell rang

"I'll see you next period" I added putting our lips together.

Your pov,
"Yo sis" I looked away from my history book seeing Shawn and Camila I sighed going back to my book,

"Hey Y/n" I hear them both say I looked up and waved,

"Studying for your history test?" Shawn asked and they both took a seat on each side of me

"Yeah and uh I would've liked to be alone thanks" I looked at Shawn then to Camila

"Uh lets go babe" Shawn got up and following Camila,

Good now I'm alone to study with no distraction of my stupid feelings.

"Hey" I jumped looking up seeing Camila great,

"Um hi" she sat beside me looking over my shoulder I looked over to her

"Did you need something?"

"No i just wanted to see what's wrong, you been distant lately" she added with a slight smile

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