Jealous Y/n!

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Your pov,
I stood by the exit door while waiting from my girlfriend, she was about to go on stage with diplo and majorlazer and I'm not usually the jealous type but Thomas aka diplo always has to flirt with my girl like dude I'm standing right here!

"Hang on I think we have a smaller size" Diplo chuckled looking for another t-shirt,

"This one is perfect for Y/n..uh where is she" I hear Camila but I just ignored her for the moment because Diplo called her over onces again.

I was hoping to spend some time with her before her show but I guess not, I leaned off the wall and went over to them

"Perfect right" Diplo added placing his hand on her waist she smiled nodding,

"Camila" I added quickly she turned smiling

"Baby look this is for you" I look over to Diplo who just smirked slightly placing his hand behind his neck,

"Thanks look I'm gonna step out for a moment"

"What? No baby we're about to start soon" I nodded grabbing a hold of the t-shirt

"Ok I'll be here I won't miss it, i just need some air"

"Are you okay?" She asked worried placing her hands behind my neck

"Yo Camila come over here" here we go again damn Thomas!

I just pulled away and started headed out.

After I had my smoke to relax a bit I walked back in checking the time and see they had about 10 minutes before show and I got a text from Camila asking me to come back to her dressing room,

I walked in and see her sitting while on her phone

"Babe where the hell did you go?" She added soon as she heard me walk in,

"Why does it care you were really enjoying yourself back there" I mumbled laying back on the couch,

"Um because I'm your girlfriend and I worry when you leave without telling me exactly where you were going" i just sighed hugging the pillow


"That's my name" I mumbled then I feel her pull the pillow away and smacking me with it I sat up slightly staring at her

"Don't be smart what's going on ever since we got here you been really cold to me"

"I haven't been cold" she groan lightly taking a seat on top of me then placing the pillow on the floor

"Baby we haven't seen each other in months and if you aren't basically trying to fuck me every second something is wrong" I chuckled placing my hands on her thighs,

"Talk to me amor" she mumbled smoothing my hands up to her waist I just stared into her beautiful brown eyes I just can't help how beautiful she is God I'm so lucky

"Camila we about to go on-oh shit sorry" Thomas yelled still walking in the room,

Camila sighed getting off my lap and trying to pull me up "Y/n get up" she whined

"Come on Camila" Diplo held her waist pulling her away from me making me stand up quickly

"Yo let go of her Thomas" I added pulling Camila back to me

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