eleven | the oath

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It was a warm September day, and the Loser's were gathered around train tracks. They were sitting in a field, and the grass was making Layla itch her legs.

''I can only remember parts, I thought I was dead.'' Beverly admitted, her hands folded together. ''That's what it felt like. I saw us, all of us, back in the cistern, but we were older. Like our parent's age.''

Stanley had bandages around his head, because of what IT had done to him. Eddie had little marks here and there across his smooth face, and Layla's throat still had major bruising from Henry.

''What were we all doing there?" Layla asked, her hair blowing in the wind.

"I just remember how we felt. How scared we were. I don't think I can ever forget that.'' Beverly whispered.

Bill leaned down and grabbed something hidden in the grass. He stood up and looked at the group. Inside his hand, was the piece of a broken glass. ''Swear it. Swear, if IT isn't dead, if IT ever comes back, we'll come back too.''

Layla stood up first, followed by Richie and Eddie. Then Stanley and Ben, and finally Mike. Bill let out a pained noise as he sliced his left hand with the glass. Richie held his hand up for Bill, and then Bill went to Eddie. Richie patted Eddie's arm as Bill sliced his palm.

Bill went to Mike, who held a pained expression. Stanley was next, and after Bill was done, Stanley clutched his hand to his chest. Ben barely flinched, for he'd been in so much pain this summer. Beverly was next, and then Bill stopped at Layla. He grabbed her hand gently, and she looked him in the eye as he sliced her hand. She let out a little gasp, but kept eye contact.

Bill held out his hand for Layla, and she grabbed it. Blood was dripping off both their hands, and she held her hand out for Beverly to grab. Soon, everyone was holding hands, and the bond and oath was set.

When they'd all let go, Stanley spoke first. ''I gotta go.'' He was looking at Bill, thinking of something else to say. ''I hate you.''

Bill looked down, while Stanley stood there with a smile on his face.

''I'll see you later,'' With that, Stanley had been the first to leave

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''I'll see you later,'' With that, Stanley had been the first to leave. Eddie and Richie hugged, as he said goodbye.

When Mike left, he left with a simple, ''See you later, losers.''

Richie left and then Ben did as well, with Beverly following them. Suddenly it was just Layla and Bill.

''I don't hate you for bringing all of us into that mess with IT. I just wanted you to know that. Also, I never felt like a loser when I was with all of you.'' Layla said, her eyes looking at Bill, in a new way.

It was quiet, and Layla said, ''I'll see you around.'' She stood up and began walking away as well. She turned her head to see that Bill had run right up to her, and was right across from her figure. All of a sudden, he leaned in and planted his lips right on her full ones.

When Bill pulled away, she was staring at him in shock. Then, her blue eyes were shining bright as she leaned in and kissed him again, her cut hand on his cheek. Layla pulled away with a loving smile on her face. ''Bye,''

With that final kiss, Layla walked away from Bill, and he stared at her lovingly as she did.

a/n ; IT'S DONE IT'S FINISHED AND IM SOBBING thank you all so much for supporting this story and the small journey through it, and it makes me sad to say that the sequel won't come out till 2019 but its not fine ;-) until then, i'll see y'all in the sewers waiting!!!

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