eight | disbanded

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The Loser's had all run outside, tripping over themselves, and that's when Mrs. Kaspbrak was waiting for them. She was holding onto Eddie's arm tightly. ''You! You did this!''

She was pushing Eddie into the passenger seat of her car, ''You know how delicate he is.''

''We were attacked, Mrs. K-K-K.'' Bill stuttered, trying to get her to reason with him.

''Don't!'' She spat at the teens. ''Don't try to blame someone else.'' She closed the passenger side door, and dropped her keys in the process.

''Let me-'' Beverly started, dipping down to grab Mrs. Kaspbrak's keys.

''Get back!'' She said, making Beverly back up while she retrieved her keys. She leaned towards Beverly, and spoke in a disgusted manner. ''Oh, I've heard of you, Miss Marsh. I don't want a dirty girl like you touching my son.''

Layla could see the pained look of Beverly's face, and Layla stepped towards Mrs. K. ''Why don't you get your facts straight before accusing her of rumors sent by a teenage girl? Beverly isn't like that.''

Mrs. K had this stone cold look in her eye, but Layla didn't back down. ''I bet, Miss Steel.''

''Mrs. K, I s-swear-'' Bill tried again.

''No! You are all monsters! All of you! Eddie's done with you, you hear me? Done!'' Mrs. K. sneered.

Layla could see Eddie about to break down, and she had felt sorry for the boy. As Mrs. K was leaving, the Loser's stepped into the middle of the street.

Bill turned to them, ''I saw the well. W-w-w-we know where IT is, and next time we'll come better prepared.''

''No!'' Stan yelled at Bill. ''No next time, Bill! You're insane!''

''Why? We all know nobody is going to do anything.'' Beverly stated.

''Eddie was nearly killed! Along with Layla, twice! She was attacked twice today and she could've died!'' Richie yelled, then he pointed to Ben.  ''Look at this motherfucker, he's leaking hamburger helper!''

Layla didn't want to admit it, but Richie was right. She had almost died twice today, but she agreed with Beverly. IT wasn't going to stop.

''Ben, you said it yourself! IT comes back every twenty-seven years!'' Beverly said, trying to back up Bill.

''Fine! I'll be forty and far away from here. I thought you said you wanted to get out of this town too.'' Ben said.

''Because I want to run towards something, not away.'' Beverly said, a determined look in her eyes.

''I'm sorry, but who invited Molly Ringwald into the group?" Richie sassed.

This caused the Marsh girl to stick her middle finger up at Richie.

''Richie,'' Layla tried.

FEAR | BILL DENBROUGH [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now