nine | the well

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Layla's heart was pounding as she stood in front of Neibolt. Beverly was in there, and they needed to save her from IT. Bill pulled out weapons for them to carry, and she noticed Eddie taking off his fanny -pack and throwing it in the dead grass.

Richie picked up an old beer bottle and smashed it against the stairs, only for it to all break. He sighed and dropped the glass. The door creaked open and they all stepped inside, except for Stan.

''Stan?" Eddie called, but Stan stood frozen in his spot.

''Stan, we all have to go.'' Bill said. ''B-B-Beverly was right. If we split up like last time, the c-clown will kill us, one by one. But if we stick together, all of us, we will win.''

Layla reached her hand out for Stanley to grab, and she could see the fear in his face. They walked down the basement steps, and found the well.

''Hey, Eddie, you have a quarter?" Richie asked.

''I wouldn't want to make a wish in that fucking thing.'' Eddie sassed.

''How are we getting down?" Layla asked, peering over into the well. She noticed Bill looking over to some rope. They had managed to make a rope and climb down, Bill going first. Layla stood back with Mike, helping him get everyone down.

It was only Mike and Layla left, and they stood by the well. Layla turned her head and grabbed her bag but she screamed. Henry Bowers was right behind her, covered in bright, red blood.

Henry rushed up behind Mike and hit him with a pole, and pulled him backwards. Henry advanced towards Layla and shoved her into the wall, and she hit her head on the stone-like wall.

She let out a gasp, the Loser's calling out their names.

''Layla! Mike!''

Henry's attention seemed focused on Layla now, and he was looking at her, a cold stare. ''You're still hanging out with them. Now, they're gonna get you killed. If you would've been with me, you'd be safe.''

Mike ran towards Henry but he pushed Mike back, and latched his hands around Layla's throat. His hands were getting tighter by the minute, cutting off all air.

Her vision was being filled with black dots, and then suddenly she could breathe again. Her eyes focused to Mike holding a rock in his hand, and she saw Henry was staggering. She got up suddenly and rushed towards him, using all her strength to push Henry down the well.

She let out a breath, and Mike rushed to her. ''Are you okay? Your neck, it's looks like shit.''

Layla nodded, ''Thanks for saving my ass.''

''Bill would've never forgave me.''

Layla nodded and put the rope back down the well. When she went down, she was immediantely pulled into the hole, and into the arms of someone. She peeked up through her lashes to see it was Bill.

''Holy shit! What did Bowers do?" Richie asked.

Layla leaned into Bill, ''Tried to kill me.''

Mike came into the hole was well, and Eddie turned around. ''Stan? Stanley! Stan!''

Stanley was nowhere to be found, he'd just vanished. Layla's heart felt heavy, did IT take Stan too? They all rushed out of the sewers, and fell into dirty water.

''Oh shit, grey water.'' Eddie commented.

''Stan!'' Layla yelled, her voice raw. Suddenly, screaming was heard, and they rushed into a tunnel. A woman, had her face latched onto Stanley's. It was the woman Stan was afraid off.

The woman backed off, and retreated behind a drain, her hand still on the wall. Then, IT came out, his teeth stained with Stanley's blood.

''Asshole!'' Layla cried at IT, her eyes glossy.

The Loser's grabbed Stanley, but he was screaming and thrashing around in their grips. ''NO! You left me! You made me go into Neibolt! You're not my friends! You made me go into Neibolt..'' Stanley cried, his voice cracking.

Layla noticed something was off, and saw that Bill was missing. ''Bill? Bill!'' She was scared, where had he gone? Why did he leave?

''Bill!'' The Loser's called, running into a random sewer drain. Eddie dropped his flashlight and fell into the water.

''Eddie! That's grey water!'' Layla said.

''My flashlight,'' Eddie responded, looking around the shitty water.

Layla let out a scream when skulls appeared from the water, and she pulled Eddie up. They all ran through the water, trying not to trip. This lead them a giant opening, trash was in the middle of it, all piled up.

Layla noticed Beverly floating, and that something was wrong. ''How is she floating?"

"Guys?" Stanley called, his attention was upwards. Layla looked up, and saw tons of children, just floating.

''The missing kids,'' She said, and she could feel her chest tightening. They'd be down here all along, and there were hundreds of them.

With the help of Mike, Ben managed to grab Beverly and pulled her down. Beverly's eyes were glossed over with sheer white. Her mouth was ajar, and Ben's eyes held sadness.

''Bev? Beverly! Why isn't she waking up? Beverly, please!'' Ben cried, shaking her body. Soon, he leaned in and kissed her, earning gasps from the boys.

''Finally,'' Layla murmured.

Beverly let out a gasp, and looked at Ben tenderly. ''January embers,''

''My heart burns there too.'' Ben finished.

a;n so next chapter is possibly the last chapter of this book over and I'm really depressed about it :-)

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