seven | neibolt

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The only living thing at Neibolt was the beautiful sunflowers that grew around the property. It was ironic, since Layla considered yellow to be happiness, and there was no happiness at that house, only death.

The Loser's Club had managed to catch up to Bill, who was reciting a sentence he used to help with his stutter. ''He t-t-thrusts his fists, against the p-p-post, and still insists he sees the g-gh-ghost.''

''Bill!'' Beverly called, getting off her bike. ''You can't go in there. This is crazy.''

''Look, you don't have to go in with me. But what happens, when another Georgie goes missing? Or another Betty, or another Ed Corcoran, or one of us? Are you just gonna pretend it didn't happen like the rest of this town? Because, I can't. I go home and all I see is that Georgie isn't there. His clothes, his toys, his stupid stuffed animals, but he isn't. So walking into this house for me, is easier than walking into my own.'' Bill said, turning his back on them.

''Wow,'' Richie mumbled.

Layla turned towards him, ''What?"

''He didn't stutter once.''

Layla looked at Bill, and walked up the steps. She turned towards the rest of them. ''Bill's right. You all saw what happened. IT is real, and we need to end this. I'm not having IT take you guys away from me.''

Richie looked at her, and he followed her up the steps, along with Eddie and Ben.

''Wait!'' Stanley called. ''Shouldn't we have some people keep watch? Just in case something bad happens.''

''W-w-who want's to stay out here?" Bill asked. Everyone's hands except Layla's and Beverly's were in the air.

Richie looked at everyone and looked back at Bill. ''Fuck.''

Eddie, Layla, Bill and Richie walked into the house. It was literally a piece of shit. Cobwebs, broken furniture, and leaves all over the floor. The place smelled of rotten wood and decay. If the house had been taken care of and not the home of a sociopathic, cannibalistic clown, it would have been beautiful.

''I can't believe I pulled the short straw. You guys are lucky we're not measuring dicks.'' Richie huffed, pissed he was in this situation.

''Beep, beep, Richie.'' Layla said, a phrase she used when Richie talked about things like that.

''I can smell that,'' Eddie said, his nose scrunching up in disgust. The decay smell was overwhelming.

''Don't breath through your mouth.'' Richie said.

''Why not?"

'' 'Cause then you're eating it.'' Richie explained. This caused Eddie to gasp and use his inhaler.

Layla heard footsteps and saw Richie walk into one of the rooms. Something was caught in the thin branches, and it caught her attention as well.

''Richie?" Layla asked, inching towards him.

In Richie's hands, was a missing kid poster. With his name on it. ''It-it say's that I'm missing.''

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