five | rock war

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When Layla received a frantic phone-call from Beverly, she immediately got dressed, and pounded at Richie's door to join her. The call wasn't specific on what had happened, but it obviously had Beverly shook to the core.

Apparently Beverly called the boys over as well, because they all had met up at Beverly's apartment. Beverly rushed towards all of them.

Everyone got off their bikes and Beverly stood in front of them. ''I need to show you something.''

''What is it?" Ben asked.

''More than we saw at the quarry?" Richie spoke.

''Shut up! Just shut up, Richie.'' Layla scolded, rolling her eyes.

''My dad will kill me if he finds out all of you were in my apartment.'' Beverly states. There's something else hidden under her words.

''We'll have a lookout then. Richie, you stay.'' Layla said, deciding for the group.

''Woah, woah, woah! What do I do if her dad comes back?" Richie asked, his hands up in the air.

''Do what you always do! Start talking.'' Stanley sassed, following the group up the rusty stairs.

''It is a gift,'' Richie said weakly, watching them descend upstairs.

Once they were inside Bev's apartment, she lead them down a hallway, and turned. The door was left ajar, and there was this red glow to it.

''In there,'' Bev said.

"What is it?" Stanley asked.

''You'll see.''

They started walking towards the bathroom, and Eddie was having a germaphobic episode. ''Great, leading us to your bathroom. You know that eighty-nine percent of the worse accident's occur in the bathroom, and kitchen. That's were all the bacteria and fungi are, it's not a very hygienic place.''

Bill pushed the door open lightly, and what they saw made their jaw's drop. The entire bathroom, from floor to ceiling, was covered in bright, red blood. It even smelled like it too. The iron bitterness.

''Do you see it?" Beverly asked.

''What happened in here?" Layla asked, her eyes fixated on the scene before them.

''My dad couldn't see it,'' She started. "I thought I was going crazy.''

''Well, if you're crazy, then we're all crazy.'' Ben added.

''We c-c-can't leave it like this.'' Bill stuttered, walking forward.

Beverly had managed to grab all sort's of cleaning supplies. Gloves, rags, buckets, a mop, anything. It was awful, the blood was just getting worse instad of getting rid of it. After two hours of cleaning, the bathroom was finally done.

Layla and Bill were standing in front of the bathtub, talking about the fair.

''Only a few times I've gone. I'm scared to ride the ferris wheel, it's too high.'' Layla said, giggling.

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