Ch. 5

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"And if you have any questions at all, Taehyung—ssi, I'll be right here." Hanji ended her little speech with a spin on her heel and a wink. "I'll go back to my homework now, but I'm here if you need me." She waved her hand, walking back to the seat she was in before.

Taehyung sighed, he was thankful for her explaining, but it was tiring having to listen to her— she could talk for minutes on end and not even break a sweat. He wasn't an airhead— maybe a little— she had more than just helping him on her mind and he wasn't interested. Retreating to his seat, he opened the notebook given to him by the girl who left not too long ago.

Quickly skimming through the notebook, it was filled with notes and tips for every subject they had for the year. Taehyung released a sigh, shoving the book into his backpack. He wasn't about to wait here all day, is what he thought but it was the exact opposite of what he did. Reclining into the hard, wooden seats, he took out a black PlayStation Portable and started playing it with his feet kicked up.

"So, that's what ha—" The familiar voice of _____ _____ entered the room, but was soon stopped by an abrupt end. Poor Jungkook, who was walking right behind her, bumped into her back when she randomly cut her track short.

"Yah— ____, what was that for?" He hissed. When he bumped into her, he bit his tongue by accident.

"Kim Taehyung!" ______ marched in, planting a firm hand down on the male's desk. This obviously left the poor man in a state of shock, he dropped his gadget on the cold floor and he watched as it deteriorated into multiple tiny pieces of black and blue. Taehyung was mortified, his hands still held the same shape as before he dropped— no, before his gadget was flung out of his fingertips. Slowly, he looked up at her face, his teeth grinding against each other.

"Kim Taehyung, gadgets aren't allowed in this facility." She crouched down, picking up the mutilated PSP. Her strict voice slithered through his ears like a snake and strangled his throat. "And second," ______ grabbed both of the royal's ankles and pushed them off the desk. "You can't put your feet on the tables. They're for books and papers, not relaxation." She truly was the class president.

Taehyung scoffed, of course, it was to good to be true. She sure was pretty, but that could be right about it. The man clicked his tongue, taking his PSP out from her grasp. A sad and hurt look was evident in the male's eyes. Desperately, he tried for a way to bring his baby back to life, but to no avail. He has never felt such a level of hurt, betrayal, and confusion in all of his life.

"You— you monster!" Taehyung cried out. The images he had of her, all gone with a snap of his fingers.

Jungkook from behind stayed silent. After knowing this girl for more than half of his life, he knew not to interfere when she gets angry— or not to get her angry as a whole. There was a time he accidentally ate a little more of the cake they bought than he was allowed to and she didn't talk to him for a whole month and a half. She was responsible, yes, but not exactly the model of maturity. She had the brain of a genius and the logic of a five-year old— that's who _____ was. Jungkook shook his head at Taehyung, nothing could be done. The young man simply packed his bags and left the room, waving the two goodbye.

"I'm sorry?" _____ scoffed, "Who's the one who first handedly broke the school rules?"

Taehyung sneered at her, crossing his arms together. "How would I know?" He complained. "I got here an hour ago."

"Manners, Kim, manners."

He couldn't believe it, the preposterous nagging that came from the class president's mouth, his broken gadget, his ruined game. Who dares do this to the almighty Kim Taehyung? The man who's bound to be king in a few months. If he could, he'd send her off right now. To a far away place, somewhere he could never see her face again. Somewhere like... Antarctica.

"Stop being such a baby, Kim." ______ rolled her eyes picking up the dead PSP. "You probably have a million of these."

Well, she wasn't wrong. But his data, his files, his achievements— they're all gone. A man's game is a man's turf.

______ walked around him, arms crossed and back towards him. It was then Taehyung decided to play his turn in the game. He extended his foot out in the isle right where she was about to step, sending the poor girl flying forward.

Two could play it that game.

Those short skirts that came with the normal school uniforms never had any pros to them. They're too short— they distract male students who can't hold anything in their pants. But it was at this time Taehyung found an advantage for them,


______'s skirt came flying up and a snicker— which gradually increases into a full-blown, hysterical laugh— emitted from the boy.

"Lace, huh?" Taehyung had a smug grin plastered onto his face. "I always thought you were the silk type of girl, _____."

Face beet-red, the young girl was mortified as she quickly stood up and patted down her skirt. She spun on her heel, taking a deep breath— taking all up all of the willpower she has left not to murder the man right here, right now. But that would be too much paperwork. Lucky for her, the majority of her class left the room already and it was left to the both of them. "Big mistake, Kim Taehyung, big mistake." She muttered, taking her bag and walking out the door.

Taehyung, who was fairly satisfied with himself, picked up his belongings and left the room. He exited through the school's main doors and found Hoeboem waiting for him.

"Get in loser," Hoeboem says, pointing at his car.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. "And you aren't ditching me this time?"

"Do you want me to?" Hoeboem raised an eyebrow, a smug smirk grew at the corner of his lips. Taehyung quickly shook his head and hopped in the car, belting himself in so that Hoeboem couldn't drag him out this time.

"Tae, we're eating dinner somewhere else today." Hoeboem started and looked at Taehyung from his reflection in the rear-view mirror. The boy merely raised an eyebrow at his minister's statement and took out a plastic bottle of water for him to drink. "That girl you like, her mom invited us for dinner."

Taehyung's eyes widened and he spat his water all over Hoeboem's precious leather seats, Hoeboem merely winced at the action. The young man coughed hard, he hit himself in the chest a few times. They were going where? "Girl I like?" Taehyung scoffed to himself. A smirk started at the corner of his lips once more.

i finally got the rest of this book figured out. since i made this a year ago and haven't updated in a while, it took me a whole lot to figure out what to do next. but i got it now and i have chapter six up and prepared ;)) this bouta get gucci m8s


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2017 ⏰

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